Experiment #11 Colorimetry Prelab Quiz

  • Due Nov 4, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 11
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


Here is how to get started on Experiment 10, an At Home Experiment.

View the Chem 201 absorbance tutorial (links below). It should take about 20 minutes while you read, answer a few questions in the tutorial, and take a few notes.

This tutorial assumes you'll be using a colorimeter to measure absorbance. For the At Home version, you'll be using your cell phone camera. The principles of color absorption are the same, we'll just collect data At Home in a different manner.

You can access the tutorial file in two ways:

1. Use Google slides at this URL 

Click here to open the Google Slide version https://tinyurl.com/qkbh3tk    OR

2. Download the file below if you have MS PowerPoint

3. Answer the Canvas Prelab Questions after viewing the tutorial.
4. Click Submit to submit the quiz.
5. Click NEXT at the bottom of the page to move the the next page of the module.
3 attempts, highest score kept
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