Exp 10c Safety Contract for At-Home Activities

  • Due Oct 27, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 5
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2



Remote Chemistry Laboratory Safety Contract

By submitting this assignment, students agree to the following safety protocols when doing an At-Home Activity


Remote Chemistry Laboratory Safety Contract
I, the undersigned Cuesta College student, agree that whenever I am working on chemistry experiments associated with my science class, I will abide by the following safety practices and take the following precautions. I will…

  1. Contact my instructor if I feel that procedure seems unsafe or if I'm unsure of how to perform an At-Home activity.
  2. Wear splash-proof goggles anytime that I am working with potential chemical splash hazards.
  3. Wear full coverage shoes, no open toe shoes or sandals.
  4. Always work with someone else present, either in person or live video, in case of accidents.
  5. Work near a sink in case of spills or splashes.
  6. Have a container of water or a fire extinguisher within reach whenever working with flames or other heat sources.
  7. Learn any hazards associated with the reagents of use in the lab.
  8. Wear clothing which will provide protection from spills and not interfere with movement.
  9. Keep my work area neat and clear of any food, dishes or cookware, bags, books, loose papers, etc.
  10. Never eat, drink, smoke, or chew while performing experiments. Never have food, water bottles or beverage cups near my experimental compounds.
  11. Do only the assigned experiment. Never make substitutions for compounds given in the experimental procedure without permission. Following the procedures without deviation is important for your safety.
  12. Never leave any compounds or materials unattended where they may be of harm to children, pets, or other people.
  13. Do not allow children or other unauthorized persons to conduct any of the experiments.
  14. Use good judgment and care when conducting chemistry experiments.
  15. Avoid touching hot objects.
  16. Read container labels to make certain they contain the correct substance specified for the experiment.
  17. Immediately report any activity-related injuries to my instructor, no matter how minor.
  18. Thoroughly clean all reusable surfaces or equipment used during the activity at least two times with soap and water.
  19. Wash my hands thoroughly after completing the experiment.



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