ch1 d: SF Quiz Questions

  • Due Aug 23, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 12
  • Questions 12
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


Read this! Make sure you watch the videos on the previous pages before answering these questions. Lots of students in the past have skipped the videos and just jump right into the questions. This is not advised, and usually leads to poor scores.

Some of the answers can only be found in the previous page with the reading and examples. Reading technical documents will be part of your future, as not all knowledge is on YouTube yet.

You may complete this assignment three times and the average of your three attempts will be recorded. Correct answers are available 24 hours after the quiz is due.

Important: If you miss more than two questions in this assignment the first time, go back and rewatch the videos or the  review the reading. Practice!  Do some extra studying before answering the questions a second time.

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