Arc - Interactive Video
Arc is a communication tool that allows instructors and students to actively collaborate through video and audio media. At Richland all video uploaded to Canvas should be added through Arc and include captioning. |
Arc Features
Below are some of the main features in Arc. For additional information click on the tabs above.
- Easy closed captioning of video Links to an external site.
- Record a screen capture Links to an external site. (similar to the functionality of Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia)
- Embed video directly into Canvas courses (Pages, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, Announcements) Links to an external site.
- Faculty and students can add comments directly to the video and reply to other's comments Links to an external site.
- Create Arc assignments where students use Arc to create and upload their own videos Links to an external site.
- View video analytics (which students are watching your video and for how long!) Links to an external site.
Additional Resource - Arc Guides Links to an external site.
Welcome to Arc Video
Check this guide to see - What are the computer specifications for Arc? Links to an external site.
Uploading Video
Ready to upload video to Arc? Here are some guides and directions to help you get started uploading the following types of video:
- Instructor created (Jing, SnagIt, Camtasia, etc)
- YouTube
- Wistia
Instructor Created Video
If you created the video and have the video file saved to your computer then follow these directions to get your video into Arc. [Check this guide to see what file formats Arc Supports - What file formats does Arc Support? Links to an external site.]
- Log into Canvas
- Click the Arc icon (on the left)
- Click the Add icon (upper right corner)
- Drag and drop your file onto the screen or click browse to select your file. You can upload multiple files at a time.
- Once video is uploaded, click on the video and select Details. Edit the details and make sure to add Tags!
- Click on Captions and make sure to Request captions (see Captioning Video tab above for more information on this).
- Make sure to publish the captions once they are completed (see Captioning Video tab above for more information on this).
For more visual directions see the following guide - How do I upload media in an Arc account? Links to an external site.
Video Directions for how to add an Instructional video to Arc
YouTube Video
If the video you want to use from YouTube is already captioned (in YouTube) you might not want to upload it to Arc unless you would like to (1) use the commenting capabilities of Arc to make the video interactive and (2) use the analytics feature to see who is watching the video and for how long. If you decide that you do want to upload YouTube video to Arc remember you'll need to caption it - see the Captioning Tab above for more information on this.
For information on how to upload a YouTube video to Arc see the following directions:
- Go to YouTube and copy the URL (at the top of the page) to the video. Or, if you already have the link, skip straight to the next step.
- Log into Canvas
- Click the Arc icon (on the left)
- Click the Add icon (upper right corner)
- Paste the URL to the video into the YouTube box
- Click the "Add" button
Video Directions for how to add a YouTube video to Arc
If you would like to add a DVD video (that isn't already in Wistia) to your class in Canvas use the following directions:
- First check to see if the video is available on Films on Demand
Links to an external site. through the Library.
- To access Films on Demand log into myRichland, click on Library Electronic Resources (on the left), scroll down to "Databases for Online Articles, Videos and More and under "All Subjects/Topics" click on "Films on Demand." Then do a search for the video.
- If the video is available through Films on Demand then use this for your class instead of uploading the video to Arc.
- To add the video to your class copy the URL at the top of the video page and add it to a page or Module in your class.
- If the video is not available on Films on Demand then contact the Library (Gavena Dahlman - or Louise Greene - for how to proceed.
Wistia video
Instructor created or student video
If you have video that you've created that has been uploaded into Wistia then you would want to download the video (if you have direct access to Wistia) or contact Liz Jackson ( to get assistance with downloading the video. Once you have the video downloaded to your desktop you can then upload it to Arc using the instructions for Instructor Created Video at the top of this page.
If you have video from a DVD that has been uploaded to Wistia then you would want to:
- Check to see if it already has captioning - to do this click on the video in your course and see if there is captioning.
- If the video does have captioning you're good to go with downloading it from Wistia and uploading to Arc using the directions for Instructor Created Video at the top of this page.
- If the video does not have captioning then you would want to check to see:
- If the video is available on Films on Demand Links to an external site. through the Library. To access Films on Demand log into myRichland, click on Library Electronic Resources (on the left), scroll down to "Databases for Online Articles, Videos and More and under "All Subjects/Topics" click on "Films on Demand." Then do a search for the video. If the video is available through Films on Demand then use this for your class. To add the video to your class copy the URL at the top of the video page and add it to a page or Module in your class.
- If the video is not available on Films on Demand then contact the Library (Gavena Dahlman - or Louise Greene - for how to proceed.
Additional Resources
Captioning Video
The following information will help guide you through captioning your video uploaded to Arc and linked from YouTube. All video added to Arc needs to be captioned. Please review and edit auto-generated captions to ensure 100% accuracy.
Video Uploaded to Arc
With the click of a button Arc will auto-generate captions for video files that are uploaded to the system. The captioning is not 100% accurate though and you will need to go in and manually correct any errors.
Directions - How do I add captions to Arc media in Canvas? Links to an external site.
Also see the following video that shows step-by-step how to caption a video in Arc.
YouTube Video
Arc doesn't automatically caption YouTube video. Because of this, if the video is already captioned in YouTube you might consider not uploading it Arc. If the video in YouTube is not captioned, then you would want to upload it to Arc and then work with online learning to get the video captioned.
The two reasons you would want to upload a YouTube video to Arc are that you would like to (1) use the commenting capabilities of Arc to make the video interactive and (2) use the analytics feature to see who is watching the video and for how long. If this is the case, then contact Kona Jones ( or Liz Jackson ( to help you with the captioning of YouTube video in Arc.
Screen Capture
You can quickly and easily use Arc to do a screen recording of anything on your computer screen and if you have a microphone you can also record you explaining what is on the screen. This functionality is similar to that of Jing, SnagIt, Camtasia, or Screencast-O-Matic and can be used to create things like video walk-throughs of your course in Canvas, Introductions to your course, video lecture, video explanations of assignment directions, or anything else you'd like video of for your class!
Getting Started!
Download Screencast Application
To get started you will need to do a one time download of the screen capture application to your computer. This will need to be done on each computer you plan to use for screencapturing (for example, your home and work computer). Once you have this application installed on your computer you are ready to start making your first screen capture.
Recording a Screen Capture
To record a video log into Canvas, click on the Arc link, click the Record button on the top right, and click Screen Capture. For more information and help see the following resources:
- How do I record a screen capture video in Canvas? Links to an external site.
- Recorder Draw & Zoom Links to an external site.
Video showing the basics of doing a Screen Capture in Arc
Editing Videos created in Arc
You must edit your videos before publishing them. Once they are published the Editing Tools are not available for you to use.
Arc Editing Tools Video Tutorials
Here are links to some great video tutorials on how to use the Editing Tools:
- Cut Links to an external site.
- Hide Cursor or Webcam Links to an external site.
- Insert New or Existing Links to an external site.
- Insert Pause Links to an external site.
- Narrate Links to an external site.
- Overlay Arrow Links to an external site.
- Overlay Blur Links to an external site.
- Overlay Highlight Links to an external site.
- Overlay Image Links to an external site.
- Overlay Outline Links to an external site.
- Overlay Text Links to an external site.
- Replace Freeze Frame Links to an external site.
- Replace Video Links to an external site.
- Speed Up or Down Links to an external site.
- Transition Links to an external site.
- Volume Links to an external site.
Using Arc in Your Course
The following guides will help you integrate Arc into your courses:
Adding Arc video into your course
The following resources will help you as you start adding Arc video to your course.
**It is important to note that students will NOT be able to view the Arc link in your course. In order for students to view your Arc video you have to add the video to a Module, Page, Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, or Quiz.**
- How do I use Arc through the Rich Content Editor in Canvas? Links to an external site.
- How do I embed Arc media in Canvas? Links to an external site.
- How do I add Arc media as an external tool module item in Canvas as an instructor? Links to an external site.(This is to add an Arc video directly to a Module)
For additional information see the following video that explains how to add Arc video to a course:
Commenting, Assignments, and Grading
The following resources will help you as you learn more about commenting on video, creating Arc based assignments, and grading Arc based assignments.
- How do I add an Arc media assignment in Canvas as an instructor? Links to an external site.
- How do I add comments or replies to Arc media in Canvas? Links to an external site.
- How do I manage Arc media comments in Canvas as an instructor? Links to an external site.
- How do I grade Arc media submissions in SpeedGrader as an instructor? Links to an external site.
Student Assignment: Upload Arc Video
The following video shows how to create a student assignment where students would create their own video and upload to the assignment through Arc.
Student Assignment: Commenting on Arc Video
The following video shows how to create an assignment where students get graded for commenting on an Arc video. Note, Arc does not have this type of assignment functionality built into the system, so it is a work around to allow for grading of students comments on video.
Arc Insights - Checking to see who watched your Arc Video
The following resources will help you understand which students watched your video and how much of your video. This feature is called "Insights."
**Important note - If a student shows up in Insights for a video that does not mean they watched the video. Any student (or teacher) who has accessed any Arc media content in your course will show up on the Insights for your video. To be able to tell which students watch the video and how much they watched you need to click on a student. You will then be able to review their specific viewing history. Blue bars indicate what the student watched. Blank space indicated what the student didn't watch or fast-forwarded through.**
Add video discussing this and showing where insights is.
Student Information
- How do I submit Arc media as a Text Entry assignment in Canvas as a student? Links to an external site.
- How do I submit Arc media as a File Upload assignment in Canvas as a student? Links to an external site.
- How do I view Arc media using a test student in Canvas as an instructor? Links to an external site.
Here are some general questions and answers about Arc. If you have additional questions please contact Kona Jones ( or Liz Jackson (
Where can I find Guides on how to use Arc?
Here is the link to the Arc Guides Links to an external site..
What type of files can be upload to Arc?
Arc supports several video formats and a handful of audio formats. For a complete listing, check out What file formats does Arc support?
Can students use Arc?
Yes! Students can use Arc to create video and upload it to assignments. Yet, students won't see the Arc link in their course, it will only be on the Global Navigation (gray left-hand bar).
Can students access Arc video through the Arc link in my course?
No, students will not be able to see the Arc link in your course. In order for students to view your Arc video you have to add the video to a Page, Announcement, Assignment, Discussion, or Quiz. The student link to Arc in the global navigation (gray left-hand bar) only shows students video they have uploaded or that have been shared with them.
Can I share my video with other faculty?
Yes, but the other faculty member must have already verified their Arc account. Verifications are made when the user views embedded Arc media in a Canvas course. Additionally, you can only share media with users in your Canvas courses. Refer to the information in the blue box of this Guide: How do I share media with a user in an Arc account?
Can I use Arc in a Discussion?
Yes, but since Arc is designed to allow for a conversation/discussion it might look confusing and not work that well. Because of this you might want to consider using the Arc video in an Assignment and have students participate in the discussion in the Assignment.
Are there any Notification for students and instructors when someone posts a comment to Arc-enabled audio/video content?
Unfortunately, no. You and your students will need to periodically check those conversations within the Arc audio/video clips to see if there has been any new activity posted. If you would like to see comment notifications implemented for Arc, consider voting for this Feature Idea: Comment Notifications.
If a student shows up in Insights does that mean they watched my video?
No, any student (or teacher) who has accessed any Arc media content in your course will show up on the Insights for your video. To be able to tell which students watch the video and how much they watched you need to click on a student. You will then be able to review their specific viewing history. Blue bars indicate what the student watched. Blank space indicated what the student didn't watch or fast-forwarded through.
Can I add a YouTube video to Arc?
Yes, you can copy a YouTube URL and paste it into the Arc interface. For directions on how to do this check out the bottom half of this guide - How do I upload media in an Arc account?.
Yet, if the video you want to use from YouTube is already captioned (in YouTube) you might not want to upload it to Arc unless you would like to (1) use the commenting capabilities of Arc to make the video interactive and (2) use the analytics feature to see who is watching the video and for how long. If you decide that you do want to upload YouTube video to Arc remember you'll need to caption it.
Can Arc caption YouTube videos?
Unfortunately, no. Arc doesn't automatically caption YouTube video. Because of this, if the video is already captioned in YouTube you might consider not uploading it Arc.
The two reasons you would want to upload a YouTube video to Arc are that you would like to (1) use the commenting capabilities of Arc to make the video interactive and (2) use the analytics feature to see who is watching the video and for how long. If this is the case, then contact Kona Jones ( or Liz Jackson ( to help you with the captioning of YouTube video in Arc.
If you would like to have the ability to caption YouTube videos via Arc, consider voting for this Feature Idea: Arc Recognize Captioned YouTube Videos.
What happens if a YouTube video I've added via Arc is removed from the YouTube website?
There may be a variety of reasons a YouTube video is removed from the internet. If you are incorporating a YouTube video via Arc into your course, and if the owner of that video removes it from his/her account, it will not be available to you in Arc or your Canvas course.
Can content from other video-hosting websites like Vimeo be added to my Arc Library?
No. At this time, YouTube videos are the only third-party content that you can add to your Arc Library. If you would like to see other video hosting websites added to Arc besides YouTube, consider voting for this Feature Idea: Integrate Any Online Video with Arc.
Do comments from students carry over from semester to semester or course to course?
We've tested this and it does not appear that comments carry over from semester to semester. This means Arc videos are "fresh" (no comments) in each course you put them in and that there is no carry over.
Can I disable comments from popping up on the video screen while I watch a video?
Yes, if you don't want to see the comments for a video show up on the video while you are watching it you can disable it by clicking on the "chat" icon located between the CC (closed captioning icon) and gear icon (video quality). By default comments on the screen are turned on (icon is blue). When comments on the screen are turned off the icon is white. Note: Even if Comments are disabled for the screen, comments will still show up in the Comments section at the bottom of the video. See "Can I disable comments on Arc video I add to my class?" below for how to disable all video comments.
Can I disable comments on Arc video I add to my class?
Yes, you can disable comments to Arc video added to courses in Canvas. When you add a video from Arc to a course the "comment" option is automatically available. Yet, if you do not want students to be able to comment then when you go to select a video to add to your course click the comment icon to turn it off. This is located in the upper left-hand corner of the video. You can't turn the comment off after you've already added it to your course. For more information see the follow the directions (look under the "Disable Comments" heading) - How do I embed Arc media in Canvas? Links to an external site.
If I disable comments for Arc video can I see see Insights for who watched the video and for how long?
Yes, even if comments are disabled for a video you can still go to the main Arc page in your course or the global navigation, click on the video, select the course, and then click "Insights." To see how much each student viewed a video make sure to click on their name/icon.