Adjunct Faculty - Start here!

Welcome to the Canvas Instructor Training! 

In an effort to improve student feedback, Richland will move to having all classes using Canvas. This does not mean that all course content needs to be in Canvas. Required elements are (1) course syllabus and (2) gradebook.

To help you get started and work through this I recommend starting with the following video that explains step-by-step how to get the required elements in Canvas. 

After watching the video and trying some of these things in your sandbox, the next step is to review the parts of the training course that are directly related to understanding the basics of how to navigate Canvas and the syllabus and gradebook. If you are interested or want to learn more about using Canvas then you can go through all of the learning Modules, but it is not required. The Modules that do need to be completed are:

Once you're done with adding your syllabus and gradebook in Canvas and have reviewed the above Modules contact Kona ( and she will review your sandbox and then check you off as completed. This will then allow you to have your real courses (with students) created and added in Canvas for you to work on.

Optional Resources

If you decide you'd like to use a few more resources in Canvas, here are some easy to implement options:

  • Adding Files (like course handouts) - Would you like to make your course handouts, assignment sheets, or other course resources available to your students? If so, then you can quickly and easily add them in Canvas for your students to access. By using Modules, you can also add links to websites, videos, and other online resources.
  • Attendance - Take Attendance directly in Canvas - students can see their attendance.
  • Inbox - This is the Canvas internal messaging system and is similar to email. All of the students in your classes are automatically added so you don't have to look up email addresses or anything like that to message a student. Canvas is set-up to automatically forward any messages you get in Canvas to your Richland e-mail. If you get a message from Canvas you can reply from your Richland email and it will go back into Canvas and to the student.


After reviewing the video and training resources if you feel that you need face-to-face assistance with learning to use Canvas please contact me (Kona Jones – or Liz (Elizabeth Jackson – We are here to help! In addition, we will also be holding some optional face-to-face training and open-lab sessions the week of January 8 and January 15. Specific days/times will be announced at the beginning of January.