Canvas Dashboard
Canvas Dashboard
Your Canvas Dashboard consists of two main elements: 1.The actual Dashboard Links to an external site. defaults to the course view, which provides access and updates in favorited courses. 2. The Global Navigation Menu Links to an external site. on the left provides quick links to all main Canvas areas and can be accessed from any area in Canvas. |
The tabs above explain what you can find/access on the Courses, Groups, Calendar, and Inbox links on the Global Navigation Menu. Information about Account options will be covered separately.
See the following video for an overview of your Canvas Dashboard.
Canvas Interface Overview Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site.
Course Card Images
Canvas allows Instructor to upload their own images that can be displayed on the course card in the Canvas Dashboard. Everyone enrolled in the course will see this image. Accepted images include JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG files. For best practice, images should be approximately 262 pixels wide by 146 pixels high. For more information and directions on how to do this see the following guide - How do I add an image to a course card in the Dashboard. Links to an external site. |
Accessing Your Canvas Courses
If you do not see your course listed, click on "All Courses" (see arrow) to bring up all of your Canvas courses. Check out these resources for more information on customizing your course list and course names:
Canvas has a built-in Calendar feature to help you keep track of all your course assignments in one place. 1. Pick whether you want to view the Calendar by Week, Month, Agenda, or the Scheduler. 2. Month is the default view for the Calendar. 3. The sidebar allows you to pick which Course(s) Calendar you'd like to view. More Information: |
Additional information about using the Calendar will be covered in future Modules.
The Inbox in Canvas works very similar to e-mail, except only people who use Canvas can use the Canvas Inbox. By default your Canvas messages are forwarded to your Richland Email (Outlook). However, you can set your Canvas notification preferences to forward your Canvas messages out to a regular Email Account (like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail/Outlook, etc). More Information |
Additional information about using the Inbox will be covered in future Modules.
Some Instructors may use Groups to have students work together on a project. Each Group has its own Discussions, Pages, Files, Collaborations, and Calendar. More Information What are student groups? Links to an external site.
Additional information about using Groups will be covered in future Modules
After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the training!