Is your computer ready?

Which Internet Browser Should I Use?

The latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are all good choices for working in Canvas. Important note: If you need help downloading one of these browsers, Online Learning Help Desk staff will be happy to assist you! Contact the Help Desk for assistance.

It's a good idea to have more than one browser installed on your personal computer. Many times problems you experience online can be fixed by switching from one browser to a different browser.

I really like Internet Explorer (or Edge) - Why shouldn't I use it with Canvas? explorer edge logos.png

Although officially Canvas supports Internet Explorer/Edge, it DOES NOT work well with Canvas! You will experience many problems if you use this browser. These problems include:
  • course content not opening correctly or showing up at all
  • problems submitting assignments (it will say a file is submitted, but it actually doesn't submit)
  • not being able to submit quizzes and exams

Firefox, Chrome (or Safari for Mac users) are the best bets when using Canvas.

What Internet Browser am I using? Check to see what browser you are using!

Go to (Links to an external site.) and check the "Browser" box to see which browser you are using.


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