Student Centered Learning

Student Centered Learning (SCL)

Student Centered Learning (SCL) is a teaching method that can be broadly defined as a shift in the focus of activity (or instruction) from the teacher to the student. All types of courses from traditional to hybrid to online can utilize SCL.

Key characteristics of SCL instruction include:

  • Actively engages students with the learning materials
  • Encourages students to think, problem-solve, evaluate evidence, analyze arguments, and generate hypotheses
  • Asks students to reflect on what they are learning
  • Gives students some control over the learning process
  • Encourages collaboration

To better understand what student-centered learning is and how you can fully utilize it within your courses, please refer to the following resources.


Download Addressing Faculty Questions about Student-Centered Learning

 - Provides an overview of what Student Centered Learning is and answers many general questions faculty have about integrating student-centered learning into their course. 

Download Interactive Techniques

 - 228 examples of how to incorporate student-centered learning into your course.

Quick video overview of what Student Centered Learning is.