

assignments.jpg Instructors can use Assignments to have students upload papers, type responses into an answer field, upload media recordings, and submit a website URL.

Assignments should only be used for GRADED assignments. If you aren't grading the assignment (either in Canvas or outside of Canvas) then do not create an Assignment for this. If you are trying to provide information to the students then add it as a Page in Canvas.

How can use of the word Assignments be Confusing?

Assignments can be confusing because Canvas uses the word "Assignment" for two different things.

  • The Assignments index page, accessed from the Navigational Toolbar, is used to set-up the gradebook and to view all types of course assignments (discussions, quizzes, and assignment dropboxes). This was covered in the Gradebook Setup Module.
  • Assignments are also a type of assignment where students go to submit papers and other resources. This will be discussed in the current Module.

Because this can be confusing, Online Learning will try to differentiate between the two by calling the one that is used to set-up the gradebook the Assignments index page or just Assignment page.


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