Quizzes are used to deliver online tests, quizzes or surveys on course material. As with the assessments in a regular classroom environment, the assessments in your course space will give you the opportunity to gauge student understanding of course content. You can create assessments yourself or they can be imported from publisher test banks using Respondus. |
The information below will give you general information about quizzes, but more information will be provided on the tabs above on how to actually create and use quizzes in Canvas.
Quiz Features
There are a number of quiz features that allow the instructor to setup their assessment exactly how they want it.
- Multiple types of quizzes: Practice Quiz, Graded Quiz, Graded Survey, Ungraded Survey Links to an external site.
- Shuffle answers
- Prevent students from seeing their quiz responses after they are done taking a quiz
- Timed with or without forced submission
- Single or multiple attempts
- All questions at once or one question at at time (with no backtracking) Links to an external site.
- Regrade Questions Links to an external site.
- Quiz analytics including student and item analysis Links to an external site.
Creating Quizzes
There are important considerations to make when deciding how you want to initially create your quizzes. When a quiz is first created it is a blank shell, below and on the following tabs you will learn how to add content and correctly apply settings. |
**Note: You may have already created the shells of your quizzes while working through this Training. If you have then the information below is for future and additional reference information.**
Ways to Create a Quiz
There are three main ways to create a quiz, from the Assignment Index page, Modules, or the Quiz Index page.
Online Learning recommends creating your quizzes on the Assignments Index page. While it may seem easier to add a quiz directly to a Module or from the Quiz Index page, you may have to go back to the gradebook and make additional adjustments. If you set your gradebook and quizzes up first, then you can easily add a quiz to the Modules page and they will then automatically populate to the Quiz Index page as well.
Creating a Quiz from the Assignments Index Page
Information on how to create a quiz from the Assignments Index Page is provided in Module 5 under Setting up your Gradebook or you can see the following guide - How do I create an assignment?
Creating a Quiz from the Module Page
Information on how to create a quiz from the Modules Page is provided in Module 7 under Modules or see the following guide - How do I add items to a module?
Creating a Quiz from the Quiz Index Page
Information on how to create a quiz from the Quiz Index page can be found on the following guide - How do I create a quiz with individual questions? Links to an external site.
Quiz Settings
After a Quiz has been created, instructors then need to set up the quiz settings. Quiz settings can be found by navigating to the quiz and clicking the "Edit" button. The page that comes up will have a Details tab (this is where you apply quiz settings) and Questions tab (this is where you add questions to your quiz). |
General Directions
General directions for applying quiz settings can be found on this guide - How do I create a quiz with individual questions? Links to an external site.
Quiz Settings to Maximize Security
For a more in depth explanation of the different quiz settings, how they work, and how you can use them to enhance the security of your quiz see the following document - Quiz Settings to Maximize Security
Links to an external site.
Providing Students Extra Time on a Quiz
If a student needs extra time for a quiz (normally due to a learning accommodations) you can easily add the needed time to a quiz - Once I publish a timed quiz, how can I give my students extra time? Links to an external site.
Different Quiz Due Dates for Different Students
If you need to give a student (or students) different quiz due dates compared to the rest of the class you can do this using the Differentiated Assignment feature in Canvas. When you do this students only see the due date they are assigned, they do not see the dates for other students. For more information see the following guides.
- How do I assign a quiz to an individual student? Links to an external site.
- How do I assign a quiz to a course section? Links to an external site.
Video Overview
Quiz Creation: Settings Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site.
Quiz Questions
Let's look at the different types of Quiz Questions that are available in Canvas and how to create them. |
Types of Quiz Questions
There are eleven question types. Below is the list of the eleven types that are also linked to instructions on how to create this type of question.
- multiple choice Links to an external site.
- true/false Links to an external site.
- fill in the blank Links to an external site.
- fill in multiple blanks Links to an external site.
- multiple answers Links to an external site.
- multiple dropdowns Links to an external site.
- likert scale question Links to an external site.
- matching Links to an external site.
- numerical answer Links to an external site.
- formula question & single variable Links to an external site.
- simple formula Links to an external site.
- essay question Links to an external site.
Should you add questions to the quiz directly or to a question bank first?
Questions can be added to the quiz directly or via a question bank, but there are some advantages to adding questions to a question bank first and then adding them to your quiz.
Added Directly
All questions added directly to a quiz are added to an "Unfiled Questions" question bank. This means the Unfiled Questions will contain every question you've add manually to any quiz in your course. These questions could then be moved and organized into question banks, but that might be hard if you have a lot of questions in your Unfiled question bank.
It might be faster to add the questions directly, but harder in the long run if you want to reuse a question on a different (or cumulative) quiz.
Added to Question Bank First
If you add your questions to a question bank first, then you can organize them by quiz or any other way you want. After adding the questions to the question bank, you would then go to the quiz and add the questions from the bank(s) to the quiz.
It might take longer to add the questions to the question bank first, but easier in the long run if you want to reuse a question on a different (or cumulative quiz).
Adding Questions to a Quiz
You can add questions to a quiz two different ways:
You can manually (typing in everything yourself) add questions both directly to a quiz and to a question bank. If you only have a few questions this might not be too bad, but if you have a lot of questions this can get tedious and very time consuming.
- Added Directly - The following guide explains how to add individual questions (one-by-one, manually) to a quiz - How do I create a quiz with individual questions Links to an external site.
- Added to Question Bank First - The following guide explains how to add individual questions (one-by-one, manually) to a question bank - How do I create a question bank in my course? Links to an external site.
You can have Online Learning staff add your questions to a question bank for you using a program called Respondus.This saves you the time of manually entering in every question and answer option.
To take advantage of this option you need either (1) word document with quiz questions, answer options, and correct answer for each question OR (2) publishers test bank with questions. Contact Liz Jackson for more information on how we can help you get your quiz questions into Canvas!
Video Overview
Quiz Creation: Questions Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site.
Question Groups
Question Groups are created under the Questions tab of a Quiz and are a way to organize questions on a quiz (allows you to group questions by topic, unit, chapter, etc) OR can be used to randomize the quiz questions. |
Example of how a question group works
Question groups allow you to select a certain number of questions randomly from a larger subset of questions.You can also choose to use all the questions in the question group and the order of the questions will be randomized.
Example 1 - Select subset of questions: Add 20 questions into a Question Group (either by adding each question individually or from a question bank), and set the Group to select 10 of those questions for the quiz. This would mean that each student gets 10 randomly selected questions from the original 20.
Example 2 - Select all questions: Add 20 questions into a Question Group (either by adding each question individually or from a question bank), and set the Group to select 20 of those questions for the quiz; so all questions are being used. This would mean that each student gets all 20 questions, but the order that the students get the 20 questions is randomized.
Question Groups are the only way to randomize questions on a quiz. To randomize answer options, there is a check box to "shuffle answers" under quiz details.
How to create a Question Group
The following guides show how to use Question Groups:
Question Banks
Question Banks are a repository of questions for your course that can be used to create assessments. |
How to Create and Use Question Banks
- How do I create a question bank in my course? Links to an external site.
- How do I delete a question bank in my course? Links to an external site.
- How do I move/copy a question from one question bank to another? Links to an external site.
- How do I import a question bank from one Canvas course to another? Links to an external site.
Should you LINK or FIND Questions from a Question Bank?
There are different pros and cons to LINKING (1) versus FINDING (2) and adding questions from a question bank. Instructors need to review these pros and cons and decide which conditions would be best for their specific situation.
Viewing Questions on Your Quiz
- LINK - you will NOT see the actual individual questions on the quiz
- FIND - you WILL see the actual individual questions on the quiz
Changes to Quiz Questions
- LINK - if you make changes to the question in the question bank (you can't make changes from the quiz) then everywhere the question is linked to a quiz in your course it will be updated as well
- FIND - if you make changes to the question (from the bank or the quiz) it will NOT be updated in the other places the question question appears in your course
Regrading Questions
- LINK - questions can't be regraded automatically, only manually, student-by-student
- FIND - questions can be regraded automatically - What regrade options are available for a quiz Links to an external site.
Quiz Publishing
Students will not see/be able to take a quiz until it has been "published." Each time you make changes to the Quiz questions you will need to Republish your Quiz; Canvas will prompt you if you need to republish a quiz. If you don't republish your quiz, your students will not see the most updated version of the quiz. |
Once you publish a quiz and make it available to your students, you can make changes to the quiz. However, students who have already opened or completed the quiz will not see any changes you make, which may affect their grades. If necessary, you can use quiz regrade Links to an external site. to edit certain types of quizzes.
For more information see the following guide - Once I publish my quiz, how do I make additional changes? Links to an external site.
After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the training!