
Advantages of Rubrics

advantages of rubrics.jpg Rubrics are a great way to communicate assignment expectations to your students and let them know up front how you are grading their Discussions. Rubrics are also a huge time saver for faculty and make grading a lot easier!

What are the advantages of using Rubrics in Canvas?

  • Rubrics can be used for all types of assignments in Canvas: discussions, assignment drop-boxes, and quizzes.
  • Rubrics are quick and easy to create and add to graded assignments.
  • Rubrics are available to students before they submit their assignment (and after), so the student can see exactly what is expected of them and where they might have fallen short.
  • Rubrics also show up along the right side of the assignment you are grading in SpeedGrader. This makes it easy for the instructor to read the student's submission and quickly check the appropriate box on the rubric.
  • In Canvas you do not need the same number of ratings (columns) for each criteria (row). For example in the rubric below, three of the criteria (Quality of posting, Quality of Reply, & Understanding) have three ratings, but Timeliness only has two ratings.

Example Rubric

Below is an example of what a rubric looks like in Canvas.



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