Pages are where you can put content and educational resources that are part of your course but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment, or that you want to refer to in multiple assignments. |
Pages are where you can include text, video, and links to your files. You can even make links to other pages. Pages can also be used as a collaboration tool where you can create class wikis and set specific user access for each page. Canvas keeps the entire history of the page so you can see how it changes over time. [To help you understand what a page is, THIS and most of the content of this training course have been pages!]
For more general information on the Pages Index see the following guide: How do I use the Pages Index Page? Links to an external site.
Accessing Pages Index
Access the Pages Index in your course by clicking on Pages located on the navigation links on the left in your course. If you don't see the list of all your Pages, click on the "View All Pages" button. You can then sort by page title, creation date, and the last time the page was edited.
Additional Page Options
By clicking on the gear icon of an individual page you will get the following options:
- Edit Links to an external site. - This allows you to edit the title of the page and the content of the page.
- Delete Links to an external site. - This deletes the page. Do not click this button unless you really want to completely delete this page from your Canvas course!
- View the History of Page Links to an external site. - This allows you to view the editing history of a page and revert back to previous versions.
- Use as Front Page Links to an external site. - This makes the page you select the Front Page (or Home page) of the course.
Video Resource
Pages: Creation & Management Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site.
Page Creation
Pages can be created directly from the Pages Index or from the course Modules. Any pages created from the course Modules will also automatically show up under the Pages Index. Adding content to Canvas Pages is done using the Rich Content Editor and the editing sidebar tool, which will be explained more on the following tabs. |
Adding Pages
Pages can be easily added from the Pages Index page or Modules.
- Page Index - How do I create a new page in a course?
Links to an external site.
- Modules - How do I add items to a module? Links to an external site.
Once you have created a page the next step is to use the Rich Content Editor and/or the Content Selector to actually add content to your page! See the next two tabs for more information on this!
Rich Content Editor (RCE)
The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is the main tool for entering text, images, files, multimedia, and hyperlinks in Canvas, and it appears almost everywhere in the system where users can enter content. You can use it to build content pages, create quiz questions, reply to discussion posts, and more.
The RCE has several features you will recognize from desktop word processors like Microsoft Word and online text editors. The image below shows the different RCE tools and then briefly explains what they are and in some cases how to use them.
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Text color
- Background color
- Clear formatting Links to an external site.
- Text alignment Links to an external site. (left, center, right)
- Indent and Outdent
- Superscript and Subscript
- Bullet and Numbered list Links to an external site.
- Table Links to an external site.
- Hyperlinks Links to an external site. (add, remove)
- Insert image from Canvas Links to an external site. or the Web Links to an external site.
- Insert mathematical equation Links to an external site.
- Record audio Links to an external site. or record video Links to an external site. and/or upload audio Links to an external site. or upload video Links to an external site.
- Insert text left to right, or right to left
- Font size
- Text format/headings
Undo & Redo Option
Please note: the Rich Text Editor does NOT have a built-in undo or redo option, but you can use the Ctrl-Z shortcut to undo something and Ctrl-Y shortcut to redo something.
- Ctrl-Z (undo) - this will undo what you just did and can be used to undo a number of previous actions. Directions: Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then the Z key. Repeat as many times as necessary.
- Ctrl-Y (redo) - this will redo what you just undid and can be used to redo a number of previous actions. Directions: Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then the Y key. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Additional Resources
- What is the Rich Content Editor? Links to an external site.
- How do I style text content in the Rich Content Editor? Links to an external site.
- How do I link to a YouTube video in the Rich Content Editor? Links to an external site.
- How do I use HTML view in the Rich Content Editor? Links to an external site.
Content Selector
In addition to adding text, video, and hyperlinks to a Page using the Rich content editor, Canvas also allows you to add items using the content selector tool. This makes building content-rich pages simple and easy! See the following guide for general information - What is the Content Selector in the Rich Content Editor? Links to an external site. |
What items can you add using the content selector?
The following items can be easily added to a Page in Canvas using the content selector tool. Click on a link for additional directions and information.
- links to other course content Links to an external site. (Pages, Assignments, Quizzes, Announcements, Discussions, Modules, and Course Navigation)
- links to files Links to an external site. (Word, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.)
- Images Links to an external site. (directly embedded and visible)
Inline File Preview
Canvas provides a convenient way to view course files directly from Canvas without downloading and opening them on your computer. This preview mode is important for students because there is less chance of them having problems viewing lecture notes, PowerPoint presentations, homework assignments, and other course files. *NOTE: Students still have the option to open and/or save course files directly on their computer.
Faculty don't need to do anything special for the inline file preview to work, it automatically works for all compatible documents. See the following guide for the list of compatible documents - What document types does Canvas convert using the document previewer?
Links to an external site.
Draft State
Are your Pages Published or Unpublished? Below is information on how to tell if a Page is published (visible to students) or unpublished (not visible to students). |
Are your Pages Published or Unpublished? Below is information on how to tell if a Page is published (visible to students) or unpublished (not visible to students).
- Green Cloud with a check mark at the end of the page information indicates that the page is published and visible to students.
- Gray cloud at the end of the page information indicates that the page is unpublished and is not visible to students.
For additional information see the following guide: How do I use Draft State in Pages? Links to an external site.
Throughout this training information has been organized in Pages by tabs. Tabs aren't a built in feature in Canvas, but they are easy to implement with a little HTML code!
The following information shows how to add tabs to your course pages.
Basic Steps:
- Create a new page.
- Copy the HTML tab code
- Click on the "HTML Editor" link on the new page and paste the HTML tab code
- Either click on the "Rich Content Editor" link (to go back to the normal Page view) and make your changes or make changes directly in the HTML editor.
- Save the page to view your changes.
Video Tutorial
After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the training!