Is your Sandbox course built?

sandbox.png At this point in the training (after going through Modules 1-7) your sandbox course should pretty much be built!

Yet, to make sure you've thought of some key things, the following Course Checklist reviews what should be included in your sandbox course given the type of course you are teaching/creating. 

Basic Requirements 

These requirements apply to all courses using Canvas (traditional, hybrid, and online).

  • Home Page - Every course needs something selected for the course homepage. Online Learning recommends the course home page be your Course Modules because that way it is the first thing students see when they enter your course and it cuts down on confusion! If you are not using Course Modules, then the next best option is probably the Syllabus.
  • Syllabus - The course syllabus needs to be available in your course. It can be added to the Syllabus page or as a file in your Modules. In addition, make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the master syllabus!
  • Gradebook set-up - Make sure the gradebook is set-up in the course. This includes assignment groups, course assignments, due dates for assignments (if known), and points for each assignment. **Also make sure that how you have your gradebook set-up matches what you have in your syllabus!**
  • Grading Scheme - If you don't set a grading scheme then students will only see their percent grade in the class, they will not see a letter grade.
  • Navigational Links - Remove unnecessary Navigational links. If you leave too many of them visible to students then you run the risk of students becoming confused and not being able to find course content/information.

Intermediate Requirements 

These requirements apply to any traditional courses that are utilizing Modules or having students submit assignments in Canvas. They also apply to all hybrid and online courses.

Advanced Requirements

These requirements apply to online courses and are more pedagogical in nature, which means they are more about providing a clear path of how to work through the course, as well information about the course and the course content and assignments. It also involves having more course content (video, web resources, lecture materials, etc) than many hybrid and enhanced courses. 

For additional requirements for online courses see the following Download Online Course Review Rubric
