Request Canvas Course Creation
What information is needed?
After you've completed Canvas Training, the next step is to request the creation of your real course(s) in Canvas. Your Sandbox is not a real course that can be used with students and you can't reuse courses from semester to semester (you CAN however reuse content quite easily!) |
To create your real course(s) that will be used with students you need to request that they are created from Kona or Liz. Below is the information you need to include when you request the creation of your course(s).
Required Information:
- Course prefix, number, and section number (or numbers if more than one section is being requested)
- If you would like your course sections combined or kept separate. In Canvas you can grade, take attendance, and create different due dates per section, so combining course sections can actually save you time and a lot of energy!
Online Learning does not create courses unless the instructor requests their creation and provides the required information.
Example information needed to create courses:
Below is example information of what to provide when requesting your courses be created in Canvas:
- COMM 101.V1
- COMM 101.V2 & COMM 101.V3 - combined
- THTRE 150.01 - separate
- THTRE 150.02 - separate
Common Questions about Course Creation
Common questions about course creation..... |
How soon can next semester courses get created?
In most cases courses for next semester can be created by (or before) midterm of the current semester. In addition, Online Learning will send out reminders to faculty about course creation so watch your email!
How long does it take for courses to get created?
Unless there is a problem, courses should be available within 24 hours at the most yet most of the time they are available much sooner than that.
What type of courses (traditional/enhanced, hybrid, online) can I have created in Canvas?
- Traditional/Enhanced Sandbox Course: If you build an enhanced course than you can use Canvas for any traditional course, but if you wanted to teach a hybrid or online course you would need to build a new sandbox utilizing the features required for that type of course.
- Hybrid Sandbox Course: If you build a hybrid course than you can use Canvas for any traditional or hybrid course, but if you wanted to teach an online course you would need to build a new sandbox utilizing the features required for that modality.
- Online Sandbox Course: If you build an online course than you can use Canvas for any traditional, hybrid, or online course.
How do I add my students to my course?
When courses get created students are automatically added to the course. If a student adds or drops it will automatically update in Canvas, no need for Instructors to do anything!
After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the training!