End of Semester Checklist
Ready for the end of the semester? This list will go through some information and resources that should help make sure you are ready! |
Course End Date
When your course is created the end date is automatically set to the last day of final exams for that semester. This means that students will be able view the course, course content, and their grades, but will not be able to submit any assignments after this date. If you need students to be able to submit assignments after this date then go into settings and chagne the end date as needed.
For information on how to do this see the following guide - How do I change the start and end dates for a course? Links to an external site.
Zeros in gradebook for Missing Assignments
At the end of the semester it is important that you check your gradebook and make sure that you have zeros entered in for missing assignments (where students didn't submit an assignment). If you don't enter in a zero for these missing assignments then students will have an inflated grade that does not accurately represent their grade in your course.
Important Note: Using the "Treat ungraded assignments as zero Links to an external site." option in the gradebook does not actually give the students a zero for missing work. It shows up on the Instructor's side, but does not actually change the grade on the student side of things. Do not use this feature at the end of the semester, go in and enter in zeros for all missing work!
At the end of the semester the easiest way to enter in 0's for missing work is to go to the gradebook and look for blank spots. If you see one (indicating a missing assignment) you can click on it and enter in a 0 - How do I enter and edit scores in the Gradebook? Links to an external site.
If you are excusing the student from the assignment and don't want the assignment to count against the student then enter in EX for excused in the gradebook (or Speedgrader) for that student's grade - How do I excuse an assignment for a student in the Gradebook? Links to an external site. This will help keep your gradebook cleaned up an remind you (and the student) that they are not responsible for turning in that specific assignment.
Saving and Printing Gradebook
The easiest way to save and print your gradebook is using the Export feature. This will provide a CSV file that can can be opened, saved, printed, and used in Excel.
For more information on how to do this see the following guide - How do I download scores from the Gradebook? Links to an external site.
Saving and Printing Attendance
The easiest way to save and print Attendance is using the Attendance Report. This will provide a CSV file that can can be opened, saved, printed, and used in Excel.
For more information on how to do this see the following guide - How do I run Roll Call Attendance reports in a course? Links to an external site.
Student Incomplete
If you have a student or students who are taking an incomplete in your course then you will need to talk with Online Learning staff about extending out your course for just that student. Online Learning staff will need the full course information, student information, and the date that the course needs extended out to.
Student Access to Your Course After the End of the Semester
The default for all Canvas courses is that students have read-only access to courses after the course end date. This means that students will not be able to submit any assignments or see quiz questions/results, but otherwise will be able to see all course content, discussions, and their assignment submissions. If you do NOT want students to have this type of access to your course after the end of the semester then you have the option of restricting students from viewing your course after the course end date. Applying this setting will completely prevent students from accessing your course - the course will literally not show up to them any more.
For information on how to do this see the following guide - How do I restrict student access to a course before or after the course dates? Links to an external site.