Hands-on: Create a Discussion
- Due Oct 22, 2017 by 11pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a website url
Hands-on Assignment due by Sunday at 11pm
The Discussions tool is an ideal way to engage students in conversation about course topics. It makes active learning available at any time (before the due date, of course!) and gives each student the space to participate thoughtfully. This is especially helpful for students who are shy or hesitate to speak in front of others yet have valuable contributions to make to the discourse. For online classes, Discussion is the tool that best enables the creation of a sense of community within a class.
In your sandbox, add a Discussion. Write an open-ended prompt that has a clear purpose. Make sure the Discussion is published.
Canvas Instructor Guide
- What are discussions for Instructors? Links to an external site.
- How do I create a discussion as an Instructor? Links to an external site.
Canvas Video Guide