Captioning Resources

DECT Grant

The Distance Education Captioning and Transcription grant (DECT) provides CCCs with funding for live and asynchronous captioning and transcription as a means of enhancing the access of all students to distance education courses.  Further, the DECT promotes and supports awareness of available funding as a means to support faculty efforts to develop high-quality, media-rich distance learning courses. Funding for California Community Colleges

The Distance Education Captioning and Transcription grant provides funding to California Community Colleges to support captioning of instructional content. Faculty need to apply for their own grant based on your needs and the application will need to be signed by the Dean of Student Services, and one of the three VP’s. Links to an external site.

Providers of Captioning Hardware/Software

The following vendors provide encoders, captioning software, decoders and other technologies used for producing real-time and off-line captioning. We will continue adding to this list as more vendors are identified.

Providers of Captioning Services

The following vendors provide captioning services. Rates will vary depending upon:

  • the availability of a transcript for the tape
  • how much narration the tape contains
  • whether or not the tape contains technical jargon
  • what captioning formats are used
  • how quickly the job must be completed.

Some of these providers have established a business relationship with the Community Colleges Foundation, and offer discounts to California community colleges. Please remember to inquire of these vendors if such a discount is available. We will continue adding to this list as more vendors are identified.

Sample Permissions Letters

Video resources from third party providers are generally copyright protected. You will need a formal letter of permission in order to add close captioning to such video resources. Listed below are sample form letters requesting permission to captioning video.

Sample Permission Letter (PDF) Links to an external site.

All the following links will open in a new window.

WebAIM Captioning Overview Links to an external site.

The Captioning Key Links to an external site.

Caption It Yourself Guidelines from DCMP Links to an external site.

Video Clips of Captioning for Music and Sound Effects Links to an external site.

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