Hands-on: Captioned Video
- Due Oct 1, 2017 by 11:55pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a text entry box or a website url
For this assignment, you will try your hand at captioning a video using the YouTube captioning function. If you have another captioning program that you prefer (e.g., Camtasia), please feel free to use alternate software.
You can choose the videos that are provided or you can use one of your own videos. If you'd like to use one of the videos that we provide, you will need to download the following sample video and transcript: (They are in a zipped file.) Save the Zip file then extract to your desktop.
To upload the video to YouTube, please follow these steps from YouTube.com Links to an external site., found under the "Help" section.
If you'd like to use one of your own videos, you'll need to upload it to YouTube. If you don't have a YouTube account, you can create a YouTube/Google account Links to an external site..
Please note that if you have a Google account, e.g., Gmail, you don't need to create a new account. Just sign in to your Gmail and look for YouTube under "more."
Post link to your video or ....
If you successfully caption the video, please post a link to the video on you tube or to the page in your course.
If the captioning didn't work so well, please post a note in the online textbox My Experience with YouTube describing the steps you took and what challenges you encountered.