Apple iPhone or iPad
- Tap Settings
- Tap Mail, Contacts, and Calendars
- Tap Add Account
- Tap Microsoft Exchange
- Enter your Richland email address
- Enter your Richland NetID (email) password
- Tap the Next button
Your device will attempt to automatically configure (verify) your email account -- this may take a minute. After the verification fails, you will be able to add in the following settings:
- In the Server field, enter
- In the Domain field, enter RCC
- In the Username field, enter your Richland NetID username (DO NOT append “”!)
- Tap the Next button
If you receive a prompt asking you to choose what to do with your existing local contacts, tap the "Keep on My IPhone" button.
- Tap the Save button
As always, if you encounter any problems or have any questions feel free to email us at, or call the Technical Services Help Desk at EXT 6552.
Also, the Online Learning Help Desk workers can assist you with setting up email on your mobile device. They are located in W143.