PSYC233 Welcome Letter

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Hello!  Thank you for checking out my welcome letter for PSYC 233.  I hope this answers many of your questions.

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Q & A for PSYC 233 - Personality & Adjustment

Why are you here?

You are here because you clicked on a link to learn more information about taking this class at Cuesta College.

Who am I?

My name is Dr. Kristianne Toledo, and I am the Distance Education Instructor for this online version of PSYC 233 - Personality & Adjustment.

What is the purpose of this Welcome Letter?

This letter is to inform you of some important details prior to the start of this online class.  This course will start on the first day of the semester.  You will gain access to this course through your Cuesta Canvas portal on that day. This class is fully online and is asynchronous (NO required meeting times).

Will you need a textbook for this class?

Yes, the textbook is required.  It is available through the Cuesta Bookstore or online vendors (such as or the publisher Cengage.comLinks to an external site.).  You can buy it used or new, rent it, or access a digital version.  Pick what works best for your learning style.  A picture of the textbook cover is featured at the top of this page.  Here is the textbook info:

     Adjust, 1st Edition, By Weiten, Hammer & Dunn  

                  ISBN: 9781285076638

At Cengage.comLinks to an external site., you can rent this textbook for less than $12 (price is subject to change) with free shipping and returns (and free access to the eBook version while your book is shipped).  Click on the "Textbook/eBook" tab on top to see your options to rent/buy.

What technology expectations do I have for you?

(and yes, I just dropped an "E-bomb")

You are expected to have access to a fully functioning computer with reliable internet connection.  Plan to have a backup plan in case your computer or internet goes down (for example, think of places you can go to for free wifi when you have internet connection issues).  I expect you to regularly check your Cuesta email account for important announcements/emails and to be an active participant in the Canvas website for this course.

What do you need to do to stay enrolled in this course?

Typically, for face-to-face classes, students show up on the first day of class to indicate their desire to stay enrolled in the course.  Since this course has NO required on-campus meetings, you instead will need to log-in to the PSYC 233 Canvas site and complete an assignment by Tuesday of the first week of classes.  If you fail to complete this first assignment, then you will be dropped from the course in order to open up space for students on the waitlist.

What will you learn in this class?

Upon successful completion of this course, you will satisfy the following Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe and demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts, theories, and vocabulary used in the study of personality and personal adjustment
  2. Compare and evaluate alternative theoretical approaches and research methods for understanding personality
  3. Describe the basic approaches for cognitive, behavioral, and lifestyle change and apply these methods to their own lives and self-management
  4. Describe and analyze personality, situational and cultural variables that affect social interaction and relationship quality

Why should you take this class?

There are many reasons for why you should take this class (apart from the typical reasons that it satisfies a degree or transfer requirement).  This class is designed to help you understand the many factors that influence the development and expression of personality.  And remember, this class isn't just about Personality, but is also about Adjustment.  Adjusting to all the ups, downs, and in-betweens that you come across during this journey through life.  Using empirical research findings, we will discuss strategies to help you adjust and thrive.

Will you be successful in this class?

It depends.  Having a strong motivation to succeed and a positive outlook about your ability to perform well in this class will take you far.  Check out this link to learn more about preparing yourself for distance education classes: to an external site.

How do you contact me?

I am accessible via email at  If your email requires a response, then I will typically respond within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.  If you do not receive a response within this time frame, then please politely resend your email.

Is that it?

If you are enrolled in this course, then you will have access to my PSYC 233 Canvas site on the first day of the semester where you will be able to review the syllabus for additional course information.

Wait, here are some links that you may find useful:

If you have a disability and might need accommodations (support services) in this class, please contact Disabled Student Program & Services as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the accommodations in a timely manner:

Add Policy:

Drop Policy:

Cuesta’s academic honesty policy, student code of conduct, and student computer technology access agreement:

Cuesta’s waitlist procedure and instructions:

Cuesta College LMS browser requirements/minimum computer specifications

Course access instructions with login info for Canvas:

Contact information for Tech Support for Canvas:

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