Welcome PSCI 210 74690 F 2020

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PSCI 210-Physics and Chemistry CRN 74690


Bret Clark         bclark@cuesta.edu        

Greg Baxley      gbaxley@cuesta.edu      

Welcome to PSCI 210, Physics and Chemistry! We hope that this class will increase your scientific curiosity, improve your scientific reasoning skills, and raise your comfort level when talking about and doing science.

This is a fully DE course with synchronous (live via Zoom) meetings each Wednesday from 9:00 am -10:50 am plus 4 hours per week of guided online learning through Canvas. The live via Zoom time on Wednesday morning will be used for assessments, lectures, group work, and lab activities.

The online format means that students should expect to spend 4 hours per week with videos, tutorials, simulations, experiments, and other online participation each week, plus additional time for homework and reading. We are here to help you succeed and enjoy the course material. There is also a class full of students with a wide variety of preparation levels and educational goals, so we can all help each other too.

This course is designed for students participating in the Elementary (K-6) Teacher Pathway and who want to earn the Elementary Teacher Education Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) degree. The class presents the physical sciences concepts and real-world, hands-on lab experiences necessary for future classroom teachers. The class is required for the Elementary Teacher Education AA-T, and it also satisfies the B-1 Physical Science general education requirement for CSU and the Area A requirement for Cuesta College associates degrees.

Overview:  The course is divided into two halves.  The first half covers chemistry and the second half is physics.  Here is a partial list of the things that you be able to do after completing the course:


  • Classify matter and mixtures
  • Describe the Scientific Method and apply it in experiments
  • Identify and describe chemical changes
  • Describe acids and bases
  • Describe energy gains and losses in chemical reactions
  • Understand environmental factors in energy production


  • Determine which of Newton’s three laws of motion are responsible for events
  • Describe the path that projectiles take
  • Use conservation of energy and momentum to model systems
  • Explain why objects float
  • Understand how charged objects behave
  • Describe how magnets work
  • Describe how string and wind instruments work

Official Course Description: Presents basic principles of physics and chemistry. This activity-based course introduces the basic concepts of physical science with emphasis on their practical importance and application in the real world. Designed for non-science majors, concepts are introduced in lab through inquiry and further developed during discussion. Prerequisite: MATH 127 or MATH 128.

Is Distance Learning for You?  You CAN succeed in an online class!  Before you enroll in a distance learning class, make an honest assessment of your level of personal discipline and ability for the independent learning style that an online course requires.  While there are mandatory class meetings with lecture and group work, much of the time you will be working on your own and teaching yourself with the help of computer software, internet forum discussion questions, tutorials, and videos.

Please take the following exploratory self-assessment survey and judge for yourself. We are here to help you learn with study tips, motivation, and in-depth explanations

Necessary Computer Equipment/Skills.

Electronic device: computer or tablet with a webcam and modern software/apps, preferably not a phone, and internet access. Specific requirements at http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/faqs_technical.html  

Computer skills required are downloading/uploading and printing documents, using your Cuesta email account, accessing your Canvas account, posting discussion questions, watching videos, and using on online HW system. Essential technology in general is at the Cuesta College technology site. The course Canvas site will be available starting the weekend prior to the first day of class.

Technical Issues? For issues related to accessing Cuesta's Canvas Site, email: support@my.cuesta.edu  contact the Canvas Support Hotline at (877) 921-7680, or click on the help button on the Canvas Navigation to report a problem.

Participation and Access: The course will be available through Canvas the weekend prior to the start date. Students must be active in Canvas at least once each week. Students with extended absence in Canvas (2 weeks or more) may be dropped.

Contact: email is the best way to contact us about the course, and Piazza is the best way to ask questions related to HW, labs, or course material.

Prerequisite: Math 127 or Math 128 or high school intermediate algebra. 

Required materials:

  • Canvas account (free)
  • Textbook: TBA (we are searching for free, Open Educational Resources to lower costs)
  • scientific calculator non-programmable for exam and quizzes with Exponential notation (EE or EXP on most calculators,)
  • Lab goggles: splash proof goggles are required for any ‘At Home’ activities with chemicals.

Student learning outcomes: Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:

  1. Apply concepts in physics and chemistry to describe physical phenomena.
  2. Explain the role of science in the modern world.
  3. Solve problems utilizing general physics and chemistry principles.
  4. Perform laboratory experiments and explain the underlying science behind them.

Assistance: We are here to help you learn and enjoy the course material. If you are having trouble, please contact one of us early before you feel overwhelmed. If you cannot come to office hours, please use Piazza discussion forums, or call or email with your questions. We encourage relevant questions during class periods.

Tutorial services are free for Cuesta students:


Homework Quizzes: Chemistry and Physics are best learned by regularly practicing problems.  Short quizzes with problems very similar to HW problems are designed to motivate you to keep up with the reading and to complete the homework to the level of understanding.  Your lowest quiz score from each half (chemistry and physics) will be dropped. 

Homework: HW assignments will be administered through Canvas.

Exams: There will be five exams throughout the term (2 in chemistry and 3 in physics.  Please see the schedule for approximate exam dates).  Exams will contain a variety of problem types like multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and free response (for some portions of the exams, you will upload your work and responses as pdf’s in Canvas).

Labs: Some lab experiments will be conducted with peers during the scheduled lab time and others will be conducted individually on your own time.  If you miss a lab that occurs during the schedule lab time, you may be allowed to complete the lab on your own without a group. For group labs, students will meet via Zoom or other platform to conduct the experiment at a distance.        

Some labs may have a prelab assignment that needs to be completed before the lab period.  

Each lab experiment will require the submission of lab questions as pdf’s in Canvas. 

Late work:  We understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that don't fit into the categories of physical illnesses or official excused absences that may make it difficult to turn in an assignment on time. There are two options for late work. You can request an extension by doing contacting us by email prior to the due date. Extensions will be granted by on a case by case basis.   

Missed classes:  To accommodate unavoidable absences, the lowest quiz score and lowest lab score will be dropped for each section.  Make-up quizzes will be arranged for official Cuesta team or course events, for legally required absences (like jury duty), or illness. Make-up labs: who knows, we've never done fully online labs before!   Please contact us as soon as possible if you wish to make up a lab. 

If you must miss an exam, please contact us as soon as possible (prior to the exam, if possible).  We can only accommodate make up exams can for certain circumstances and may administer them during finals week.

Approximate Point Distribution:   TBA

Plus/Minus grades: Cuesta College allows for +/- grading, which will be used in borderline cases, usually based on the final exam score (state law does not allow grades of “C-” at CA Community Colleges). Plus/minus grades are earned for totals of approximately 78-82% and 88-92%.

Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty in any form, including plagiarism, copying HW or labs, falsifying lab data, or unauthorized aids on exams is not allowed. Be sure to give proper citations when quoting or paraphrasing sources of information.  Enter all calculations into your own calculator. No one learns effectively by merely copying someone's paper.

While you are encouraged to study in groups, assignments turned in must represent your own work, which means your own thoughts in your own words. It is allowed and expected that students will work together on lab reports and other assignments. It is also expected that each student will do their own work, and write their answers in their own words, with their own calculations. A good way to work together is to talk about a question, discuss an answer, and then each person says, calculates, or writes an answer in their own words.  An unacceptable way to work together is for one person to say, calculate, or write an answer, and then for another person to write the same answer. See the Cuesta College catalog for official student conduct policies.

Submitting questions to and copying answers from sites such as Yahoo Answers, Chegg, or Reddit for lab reports, quizzes, exams, homework, or other work is not allowed. If you aren't sure how to answer a question, ask for help from your instructor, tutor, or classmate, but do not copy someone else's answer, and do not resort to asking an internet "expert" to solve the problem for you. There are many chemistry videos on YouTube with incorrect information. Instructor-approved YouTube videos are available in Canvas for many topics, so watch these instead of finding your own. If a video is unavailable for a particular topic, contact your instructor for help.

Regular and Effective Instructor Contact will be met through threaded discussion forums, announcements to students, email contact, and office hours. We will respond to questions posted within 24 hours, and often in less than 12 hours. Assignments will be graded, with comments, within one week.

Authenticating Student Identity will be conducted using the Learning Management System (Canvas).

Classroom Etiquette: Please be considerate of your other classmates in class or online. Some students are easily distracted, so please arrive on time, ready to learn, and do not depart early. Students who disrupt the class may be asked to leave. Since a portion of the class will consist of group work, it is important to be kind, patient, and supportive of your classmates. We will try to model appropriate behavior. Talking or chatting during lecture times will distract other students. If you have questions, please ask! Turn off your phone while in class and avoid the temptation to text during class. Please see us before recording any audio or video during class.

Netiquette for the online portion of class:  See the Orientation module (Unit 0) in Canvas

  • Use respectful and professional language in your forum discussions. Respect the learning progress of your peers.
  • Please do not use texting language, lol, ikr?
  • Emoticons are acceptable ways to show emotion.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS as they come across like YOU'RE SCREAMING.
  • You are expected to read all forum posts.
  • All messages are public, so be professional and courteous when you post.
  • Make your posts and replies specific to a particular problem or issue.
  • Use complete sentences and thoughts are mandatory for forum posts.
  • Log into Canvas and the online HW system at least once per week.

Drop/Withdraw Policy. Students may be dropped if their Canvas accounts are not activated or not used for any period longer than 14 consecutive days. We promise not to drop you without contacting you first. See the official Cuesta drop/withdrawal policy at: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/acad_policies/dropcourse.html

Withdrawal: If you discontinue the course for any reason, you are responsible for making an official withdrawal. Please contact your instructor prior to dropping the class.

Special Note: Some students may face learning disabilities or challenges that affect their academic performance.  If you have any special concerns or disabilities that could affect your learning, please contact us or contact DSPS at 546–3148 as soon as possible.  DSPS requests that testing forms be submitted at least 7 days prior to the test.  Please schedule your classes and other obligations such that accommodated exams and quizzes can occur concurrently with the class periods on Wednesday.


 PSCI 210 Schedule Fall 2020


   Lecture/Canvas topic



  Unit 0: Introduction
  Unit 1: Compounds, Elements, and Mixtures

  Labs TBA


  Unit 2: The Scientific Method



  Unit 3: Measurements and Density



  Unit 4: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table



  Midterm Exam, Units 1-4 

  Unit 5: Chemical Reactions



  Unit 6: Acids, Bases, and pH



  Unit 7: Energy and Combustion



  Unit 8: Selected Topics in Environmental Science



  Midterm Exam-chemistry Units 5-8



  Unit 9: Newton’s Laws of Motion




  Unit 10: Gravity and Projectile Motion





  Midterm Exam

  Unit 11: Momentum and Energy




  Unit 12: Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics




  Midterm Exam

  Unit 13: Electricity




  Unit 14: Magnetism




Unit 15: Waves and Light









  Final Exam

  Wednesday, December 11




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