Best Practices

The instructor of an effective and enjoyable online course generally does these things well: prepares students for the course before it starts, designs the course well, maintains strong instructor visibility, and creates effective learning communities. The Best Practices outlined here will help online instructors design and deliver an instructionally and pedagogically sound online course.The information on these Best Practices pages comes from the State of California Online Educational Initiative (OEI) Peer Online Course Review (POCR) rubric, as well as information from several Distance Education Departments regarding best practices.


Your course design should make it easy for a student to find the course goals and objectives and to navigate through the various course content. Your materials should be presented in manageable "chunks" of information that flow in a natural progression. You should make good use of the various course management tools to present your materials, and provide a variety of multimedia to enhance instruction.

Course Review Rubric

Tips and Best Practices

Objectives are made available in a variety of areas in the course (within the syllabus and each individual learning unit or module)

Objectives in an online course provide important guidance to students who don't have the benefit of regular in-class discussions to focus their learning. They should be made available in the syllabus and in each lesson, module, or section of the course. If you're using Moodle, consider adding them to the heading of each topic area, or to the beginning of each lecture component.

In addition, you students may find it helpful to review the objectives at the end of each lesson. For example:

Now You Know: 

  • concept 1
  • concept 2
  • concept 3

Objectives are clearly written at the appropriate level and reflect desired outcomes

Objectives should emanate from the course’s SLOs and detail the specific tasks that students will be able to complete.

Objectives are written in measurable outcomes (students know what they are expected to be able to do)

All students should be able to understand exactly what each objective will measure, and how they will meet that outcome.