Pronto - Sample instructions and guides to provide students
The following instructions are available for you to provide your students, feel free to grab a copy from common and add it to your course. Click Common in the global Navigation, then type"
You may also want to provide the Pronto Feature for Students PDF File Download Pronto Feature for Students PDF File (Download and save, then upload into your canvas course or send as an attachment to students).
Activate the App on Your Phone:
Get the Pronto app for you phone--it's free. The first time it will ask you to use your email or phone number to get a code that you will need to enter to activate the app. Use your Cuesta email! Check your email to get the code and enter it. You're now set to use the app, it will show all the courses that are using Pronto in the list. Click on the name of the course you wish to connect with.
Posting to the class and responding (visible to all): You are automatically a member a course. To post a question or comment for the class or to respond to a question or comment, type your message. This is a great way to get help or clarification from your classmates or share a link related to one of the topics we're learning about. See guidelines below for communicating to the class.
What it's good for:
- posting a general question about an assignment or upcoming test
- seeking or providing clarification about anything related to the class
- sharing a super cool/interesting article or video pertaining to a topic we're learning about
- seeking to study together or gather in person
- sharing an experience directly connected to a topic of the class or sharing about trying out something you learned from the class and what happened.
- helping each other by answering each other's questions
Direct Messaging Each Other: To send a private message to another student, only you and the other person will be able to view your message stream. (there are a couple of ways):
- select the green plus at the bottom of the screen, then hit Send a Direct Message select the person you want to message.
- If the person is already in the class feed (if they posted or responded to the class), select the picture bubbles, then touch their name, and select the option for Message.
Creating a Group Chat (ie: a study group): To create a private conversation with multiple people:
- Touch the arrow at the top of the screen to the left of the class name.
- Touch the plus button at the bottom right of the screen.
- Touch Create New Group, Give the group a name (could use the topic of discussion as a name or simply create a name for the group (ie: "course name" study group), then hit next.
- Touch our course name if you have another instructor using it or touch skip if our course is the only category in the list. Touch next if you had to select our course; if you skipped, it will go to the Add People Screen.
- Touch the person from class you want to add to the group. Note: all of your fellow students in all classes will appear in one long list. Whomever you select will get a notification that they've been added to the group.
Using Pronto on Your Computer
If you don't have a smartphone or not into phone apps, you can still stay connected with your class by using the Pronto Link in the canvas course.
Select floating Pronto Icon from your Canvas course. Your course Pronto feed will be displayed. You can choose your class group to send a message to or send a direct message to someone in the class.
Posting to the class and responding: If our class is the only one using Pronto, you can type your message at the bottom of the screen and it will appear in the class feed. If another class is using it, select our class from the menu on the left, then type your message.
Direct Messaging Each Other: To send a private message to another student, only you and the other person will be able to view your message stream. (there are a couple of ways):
- Expand the Pronto window by clicking on the small square with the arrow at the top right, this will open pronto in a new window tab. Then Select the green plus at the bottom of the screen, and chose direct message and a list of members will appear, select the person you want to message.
- If the person is already in the class feed (if they posted or responded to the class), select the picture bubbles, then touch their name, and select the option for Message.
Creating a Group Chat: To create a private conversation with multiple people:
Click the green plus at the bottom of the menu, then choose the Create Group option, name the group with something short like the topic or some other name that characterizes the group. Category is optional; you may want to give it a name with your course identification or something in case you have other classes that are using Pronto.
Livestream & Recorded Announcements
When an instructor is recording an announcement, you will get a notification that they are live streaming. You may view the live stream, and you will see an option to join, but be aware that you will appear in the video announcement. Check with your instructor, they may prefer you to view only and not join because they have no way of deleting it. You can review the livestream (if recorded) once the live stream has ended.
Pronto Guidelines
- Be respectful and courteous of others' viewpoints and experiences, especially in the class feed.
- Do not reveal information about another student in the class feed without their permission.
- For a private message to another classmate, use direct messaging.
- When creating groups, please practice inclusiveness by explaining on the class feed what the group/group message topic or membership is about and inviting anyone who is interested to let you know, so you can add them into the group.
- Keep in mind this is an academic environment--we are here to support each other. Avoid anything that communicates superiority of one group over another or proselytizes.
Demo Video of the phone App