3C Media Integration tool in Canvas

We now have a Canvas integration with 3C Media, the video storage services you can use for hosting and captioning videos. You will notice 2 significant changes. There is a new tool added to the rich text editor in pages and assignments and there is a new option to add 3C Media to your course menu. To create a 3C account just add the 3C Media link to your course page and you will be prompted to setup a new account.

The new tool added to the rich text editor is there to help you embed your videos. If you edit an assignment or page you will see the new menu item with a drop down to select 3C Media.

View the rich text editor with more tools displayed

To share a list of your 3C Media videos with your students you can use the 3C Media menu in canvas navigation. Open Canvas and go to Settings - Navigation, then scroll down and enable 3C Media. Don’t forget to save your changes. This will allow you to select videos or play lists from your library to share with your students.

Enable the 3cMedia in Navigation

There is a 3C Media Help Link on the opening page to show you how. If you have not setup an account you will be prompted to create one. 

Screen shot of the media help