Complete Guides Link Collection
On each of the content pages and hands-on exercise assignments in this course are links to resources by Canvas on how to use the various tools available. Those resources are part of the Canvas Guides, and the complete list is available on the Canvas website:
- Canvas Instructor Guide Links to an external site.
- Canvas Student Guide Links to an external site.
- Canvas Video Guide Links to an external site.
Additional resources are linked within each unit,
- Unit 0: Begin Here!
- Unit 1: Introduction to Canvas
- Unit 2: Course Design and Development
- Unit 3: Managing Course Communication
- Unit 4: Assessment in Canvas
Unit 0: Begin Here!
- ConferNow guides Links to an external site.
- How to Notification Preferences work? Links to an external site.
- How do I set my Notification Preferences? Links to an external site.
- Online Student Readiness Tutorials Links to an external site.
- Piktochart on Netiquette Links to an external site.
- How do I create a new course shell? Links to an external site.
- How do I submit an online assignment? Links to an external site.
- Video: Grades overview for students Links to an external site.
Unit 1: Introduction to Canvas
- Getting started with Canvas as a student Links to an external site.
- How do I use the Dashboard (new Canvas UI)? Links to an external site.
- How do I use the Global Navigation Menu (new Canvas UI)? Links to an external site.
- How do I use the Course Home Page as a student? Links to an external site.
- Video: Canvas overview Links to an external site.
- Canvas instructor getting started guide Links to an external site.
- What is Student View? Links to an external site.
- How do I enable Student View? Links to an external site.
- Video: Canvas interface overview
- What is the Rich Content Editor?
- All questions on how to use the Rich Content Editor
- Video: Rich Content Editor
- How do I edit my Profile?
- How do I submit an online assignment?
- How do I make an Announcement in my course?
- Video: Announcements Overview
Unit 2: Course Design and Development: Creating and Organizing Material in Canvas
- What document types does Canvas convert using the document previewer? Links to an external site.
- How do I use Draft state in Modules? Links to an external site.
- What are Modules for instructors? Links to an external site.
- How do I create a new Module? Links to an external site.
- Video: Modules: Creation & Management Links to an external site.
- What are Pages for instructors?
- How do I create a new Page in my course?
- How do I add items to a Module?
- Video: Pages: Creation & Management
- How do I lock a Module?
- How do I require students to move through each Module item in order?
- How do I add requirements to a Module?
- How do I set up prerequisite Modules?
- How do I embed images from Canvas into the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I embed images from the web in the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I embed images from Flickr Creative Commons?
- How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I record audio using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I link to a YouTube video in the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I embed iFrame videos using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor?
- How do I upload an audio file using the Rich Content Editor?
- What types of media files are supported in the Canvas media player?
- How do I create captions for new or uploaded videos in Canvas?
- How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor?
- Video: Syllabus Overview
- What is the Course Setup Checklist? Links to an external site.
- How do I use the Course Navigation menu?
- How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links?
- Video: Course Settings
- How do I change the Course Home Page?
- What layouts are available in the Course Home Page?
- Video: Course Layout: Customization
Unit 3: Managing Course Communication and Interaction with Canvas Tools
- What are discussions for Instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I create a discussion as an Instructor? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Discussion Overview (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Discussion Creation (Links to an external site.)
- How do I delay posting a Discussion topic until a specified date in my course? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I close a Discussion for comments in my course? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I pin a Discussion on the Index Page? (Links to an external site.)
- What is the difference between threaded and focused Discussions? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I require students to post to a Discussion before they see replies? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I allow students to like replies in a Discussion? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I create a Group Discussion for my course? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I create a Graded Discussion for my course? (Links to an external site.)
- What is the Calendar for instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I add an event to the course Calendar? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I subscribe to the Calendar Feed using Outlook? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I subscribe to the Calendar Feed using Google Calendar? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Calendar Overview (Links to an external site.)
- What is Conversations? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Conversations Overview (Links to an external site.)
- What is Chat? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Chat Overview (Links to an external site.)
- CCC Confer (Links to an external site.)
- ConferNow
- How do I use the People page as an instructor? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I view my course interactions with an individual student? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I view the course access report for an individual student? (Links to an external site.)
- What are Student Groups? (Links to an external site.)
- What are Collaborations? (Links to an external site.)
- What is the Roll Call Attendance Tool? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: People Overview (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Groups: Creation and Management (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Collaborations Overview (Links to an external site.)
Unit 4: Assessment in Canvas: Quizzes, Assignments, and Grades
- What are Quizzes for instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- What are the different types of Quizzes? (Links to an external site.)
- What options are available for Quizzes? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Quiz Creation: Questions (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Quiz Creation: Settings (Links to an external site.)
- What are Assignments for instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I create an Assignment? (Links to an external site.)
- What are the different Assignment types available to instructors in Canvas courses? (Links to an external site.)
- What is the difference between assignment due dates and availability dates? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Assignments Overview (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Assignment Creation (Links to an external site.)
- What are Quizzes for instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- What are Assignments for instructors? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I create a Graded Discussion for my course? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Quiz Creation: Settings (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Quiz Creation: Questions (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Assignments Overview (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Assignment Creation (Links to an external site.)
- What is SpeedGrader? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I use SpeedGrader? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I use Crocodoc in Canvas assignments? (Links to an external site.)
- What document types does Canvas convert using the document previewer? (Links to an external site.)
- What are Grades and the Gradebook? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I use the Gradebook? (Links to an external site.)
- How do I excuse an assignment for a student in the Gradebook? (Links to an external site.)
- What are What-If Grades? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: SpeedGrader Overview (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Gradebook Overview (Links to an external site.)
- How do I enable Student View? (Links to an external site.)
- Video: Assignment Submissions (Students) (Links to an external site.)
- Windows: Use Snipping Tool to capture screen shots (Links to an external site.)
- Macintosh: OSX Yosemite: Take pictures of the screen (Links to an external site.)
- What are Course Statistics? (Links to an external site.)
- Where can I find course statistics about online interactions with my students? (Links to an external site.)