Get Help!

Get Help!

Instructional Technology staff can assist faculty and staff with any questions you have about how to use the different features in Canvas, the creation and building of courses in Canvas, development of new online and hybrid courses, and general questions about Online Learning.  

Cynthia Wilshusen

Cynthia Wilshusen

Instructional Designer and Faculty

(805) 592-9389

Distance Education / Business Education

Availability: Zoom Links to an external site., North County Campus Links to an external site., SLO Campus Links to an external site.

Students, need help with technology? Here at Cuesta we are here to support you. Whether you're struggling with forgotten passwords, navigating Canvas or the myCuesta Portal, Adobe licenses, using Microsoft or Google Suites, adding your student email to your phone, or encountering any other tech issues, we are here to assist you. Don't let technology stress you out—reach out to us at, 805-546-3113 or set up an appointment for in person or virtual through Cuesta Connect Links to an external site..

Virtual Support

Please include with your correspondence:

  • Your name
  • Class, section number (CRN)
  • Describe the problem you are experiencing