Inclusive Access program
Course materials may be delivered digitally via Canvas through the Cuesta Inclusive Access program. Students will access the course materials through the Canvas website on the first day of class to make sure there are no issues in the delivery. Students will automatically have access to the course materials on Day One. After the Cuesta add drop date, the student's bursar account will be billed at a discounted rate for the required course materials representing significant savings for the student.
There are two options for this Inclusive Access (First Day Access):
- Deep Integration with your publisher content linked to your course
Make sure you add your Publisher Content to your course:
Use the process to pair your content to your course, and deploy any activities and assignments in your course (May vary. depending on Publisher). Then provide students with information on how they will access the course materials on a daily basis. Provide students with the following instructions for accessing their course materials on the first day of class after they have purchased the materials.
- Digital Textbook (ebook) they may read directly in your course (no access to publisher resources)
Students that are expecting to view the ebook in the course, but no access to additional sites should simply see the link Course Materials, and then click the READ NOW option from that link. Provide students with the following instructions for accessing their course materials on the first day of class. Student Registration_IA ebook.pdf Download Student Registration_IA ebook.pdf
Add the Course Materials Link to your course:
In your course, you need to ensure that the "Course Material" Navigation link is available in the course navigation for students to order the materials.
- Log into Canvas with your instructor username and password and navigate to the course that will have Inclusive Access.
- Click Settings from the left-hand navigation.
- Click the Navigation tab, and scroll down to the hidden items, at the bottom of the list.
- Look for Course Materials in the list. Drag the Course Materials to the active list or click the three dots and click Enable. If the Purchase Course Materials link is an active navigation link, select it and drag it down to the hidden items, to prevent student confusion for this course only.
- Click Save.
- The Course Materials link will now be available in the left-hand navigation of your course. You may have to refresh your window to see it.
- Repeat these steps any additional sections that require the Course Materials link.
Watch this video for a visual on adding the navigation link:
First Day™ Faculty Add Course Materials Link - Canvas Links to an external site. from Barnes & Noble College Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site..
Sample Student Messaging
Include in course syllabus (welcome letter -DE Only), and any introduction material or announcements
To enhance your learning experience and provide affordable access to the right course material, this course is part of an inclusive access model called First Day™. You can easily access the required materials for this course at a discounted price, and benefit from single sign-on access with through Canvas.
Cuesta College will bill you at the discounted price as a course charge for this course. Your course materials may be accessed digitally through your Canvas account either on or before the first day of class. Although an optional print copy of the book is available at the campus bookstore, NO other purchase is necessary. Your course material charge is included in your student registration / fees and guarantees the lowest cost available for your required materials.
It is NOT recommended that you Opt-Out, as these materials are required to complete the course. You can choose to Opt-Out on the first day of class, but you will be responsible for purchasing your course materials at the full retail price and access to your materials may be suspended.
For more information and FAQs go to Links to an external site..
Student Tutorial Videos
Accessing Your eTextbook: Links to an external site.
Opting Out of First Day for your eTextbook: Links to an external site.
Opting Out of First Day for your courseware: Links to an external site.
Other Features on the Course Materials page: Links to an external site.