Training Opportunities / Recordings
What an amazing group of faculty we are. We are working hard to make sure you have access to resources, training and assistance along the way. The following list includes training sessions coming up and archives.
We certainly have learned a lot over the past two years or so, and we will continue to learn as we go. You got this, stay positive and strong!
As we progress through this adventure, we'll be offering support and training to help you Keep Teaching. We will update this page as we schedule sessions. We are pulling support sessions from resources around the state, as well as offering Zoom office hours with your Online Education team. This page is a work in progress, and will be updated daily. If you need something, please reach out.
Recent or Upcoming Trainings
Online Technology Instructional Training
Date / Time | Topic / Resources | Presenter(s) | Zoom Room / Recording |
12/1/23 9:00 - 9:45 am |
End of Semester Checklist: A quick rundown of things to consider in Canvas as the semester comes to an end. Understanding the course end date and visibility, review your gradebook, steps for incomplete access, prepare for coping to next term.
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen | |
12/1/23 10:15- 11:00 am |
Set your Canvas course up for Spring: Review the start of semester checklist and prepare for a great spring semester. Copy your course, understand how a reduced course navigation can improve efficiency, favoriting courses, consider adding a course tutorial, and when to publish and message students.
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen |
Zoom Link Links to an external site. Recording Links to an external site.
12/1/23 11:30 - 12:15 pm - |
Canvas Blueprint: Do you teach more than one section of the same course? Use this feature to create a master shell for your course and update them quickly and easily! |
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen |
Zoom Link Links to an external site. Recording Links to an external site.
12/15/23 9:00 - 9:45 am |
Accessibility Tools: A quick tour of the various tools available in Canvas to check and fix accessibility items in your courses. Tools covered will include ALLY, PopeTech, and how to properly save a document as a PDF file. |
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen |
Zoom Link Links to an external site. Recording |
12/15/23 10:15- 11:00 am |
Zoom Updates: Take a look at Zoom features such as TechConnect, Student Hours and the WhiteBoard Feature. Plus, a quick look at how you can use the same zoom link for several courses.
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen |
Zoom Link Links to an external site. Recording |
12/15/23 11:30 - 12:15 pm - |
More Tools: Take a look at tools in Canvas that you may not have used before or wanted to know more about. Tools covered in this session will include Turnitin Plagiarism within Canvas, Padlet Assignment.
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen |
Zoom Link Links to an external site. Recording |
Other Training Sites
Training schedule will be updated as we find them.
Date / Time | Topic / Resources | Presenter(s) | Zoom RSVP / Recording |
1/11/2022 10:00 - 12:00 |
Get Started with Design Tools Description: This training is designed for faculty, staff, and course designers seeking to create more engaging and aesthetically pleasing courses in Canvas. This workshop will show you how to launch Design Tools, adjust settings, use the built-in accessibility tools, apply themes and styles to your Canvas resources. Participants will be provided access to Design Tools support resources. For a in depth look at creating a home page and transparent assignments using advanced features make sure to attend the J.E.D.I Session on Thursday afternoon. Resources: |
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen and Kelli Gottlieb |
Open the video in full screen or access directly Links to an external site.. |
1/11/22 1:00 - 2:30 |
Create Interactive Video with PlayPosit Resource Handout Links to an external site.
Facilitator: Colleen Harmon and Cynthia Wilshusen |
Open the video in full screen or access directly. Links to an external site. |
1/11/22 3:00 - 5:00 pm |
Instructional Videos 101 How to Create content (Kaltura Personal and Express Capture) |
Facilitator: Cynthia Wilshusen and Jeff Nachtigal |
Open the video in full screen or access directly Links to an external site..
09/24/21 - 11:30 - 1:00 |
Kaltura Basics - Learn the basic of our new media recording service. This session will have hands on opportunity to practice on recording with screen capture, recording with express capture, uploading existing videos, linking to YouTube, embedding your media in your canvas course, viewing / editing auto captions) | C Wilshusen, C Buhl, C Harmon, J Nachtigal | Recording Links to an external site. |
10/8/21 - 10:30 - 12:00 | Kaltura Intermediate - Learn the difference between MyMedia, Media Gallery and the Media Space. This session will have hands on opportunity to practice on how you can share your media with students in the Media Gallery for quick access and searching. Identify how you can organize your media and share with proper permissions. | C Wilshusen, C Buhl, C Harmon, J Nachtigal | Recording Links to an external site. |
11/5/21 - 10:30 - 12:00 |
Kaltura Advanced - Learn how to work with multiple input streams (two cameras, two screens, etc). This session will have hands on opportunity to practice on how to record with multiple inputs, with PowerPoints for automatic indexing, and creating chapters and menus for viewing |
C Wilshusen, C Buhl, C Harmon, J Nachtigal | Recording Links to an external site. |
12/3/21 - 10:30 - 12:00 | New Quizzes - Learn how to create quizzes in the new quiz platform, migrate your existing quizzes in canvas to the new platform. NOTE: Canvas will be turning off classic quizzes in July 2022 so getting started early is a must! | C Wilshusen, C Buhl, C Harmon, J Nachtigal | Recording Links to an external site. |
Dec 21st 2pm - 3pm |
Canvas Q&A for end of semester and getting started next term Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Description / Register Links to an external site.
Dec 22nd 10am – 12pm |
Adding spice to your Canvas course using Design Tools Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Dec 22nd 1pm – 3pm |
Giving meaningful and effective feedback and grading in Canvas Resources: Annotating Feedback Handout Download Annotating Feedback Handout |
Brad Langer, Cynthia Wilshusen, Rosemary Wrenn |
Description / Register Links to an external site. No Participants |
Dec 23rd 10am - 12pm |
Turn those PowerPoint slides or other Resources into dynamic videos using screen capture Resources: |
Jeffrey Nachtigal & Cynthia Wilshusen |
Dec 23rd 1pm – 3pm |
Working with Captions in TechSmith Relay & Canvas Studio Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Description / Register Links to an external site. No Partipants |
Dec 28th 12pm - 2 pm |
Looking for an Accessibility Ally Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Description / Register Links to an external site. Recording |
Dec 28th 3pm -5pm |
Convert paper quizzes into online quizzes using Respondus Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Description / Register Links to an external site. Recording |
Dec 29th 10am – 12pm |
Social Engagement in your course using Pronto and Online Office Hours |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Description / Register Links to an external site. Recording |
Jan 5th 9am |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Jan 5th 10am – 12pm |
Increase retention by humanizing the Canvas classroom |
Colleen Harmon |
Description / Register Links to an external site. Recording |
Jan 7th 2pm |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Jan 11th 9am - 1:30pm |
SLEC Training Workshop Required: Complete Request form to reserve seat! Links to an external site. |
Jan 12th 9am |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Jan 14th 2pm |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Jan 19th 9am |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Jan 21st 2pm |
Pronto Training - Social Engagement Tool for Communicating alongside Canvas
Pronto Team | Register / Join Links to an external site. |
Monday March 16th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Recording link |
Communicating in Canvas | 12:00 pm | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Delivering Content with Canvas Pages and Modules |
2:00 pm | Wilshusen | Recording not available, see session from Wednesday content repeated. |
Resources for Students - Student Tutorial, Canvas Guides, and NetTutor |
4:00 pm | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Tuesday March 17th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom link / Recording |
Assessing Students with Assignments and Quizzes | 9 am | Wilshusen |
Working on breaking up the sessions, in the meantime you may view the entire day: |
Delivering Delayed Instruction TechSmith Relay, Screencasting | 11 am | Wilshusen |
Working on breaking up the sessions, in the meantime you may view the entire day: |
Delivering Live Instruction ConferZoom | 1:30am | Wilshusen |
Working on breaking up the sessions, in the meantime you may view the entire day: |
Giving Feedback / Grading in Canvas | 4pm | Wilshusen |
Working on breaking up the sessions, in the meantime you may view the entire day: |
Wednesday March 18th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom Link |
Communicating and Delivering Content in Canvas | 9 am | Wilshusen |
Breaking up these sessions is taking longer than planned. Here is link to the entire day. You can scroll through to view the topics you wish. Meeting Recording: Links to an external site. |
Delivering Live Instruction ConferZoom | 11:30 am | Wilshusen |
Breaking up these sessions is taking longer than planned. Here is link to the entire day. You can scroll through to view the topics you wish. Meeting Recording: Links to an external site. |
Delivering Delayed Instruction TechSmith Relay, Screencasting | 1:30am | Wilshusen |
Breaking up these sessions is taking longer than planned. Here is link to the entire day. You can scroll through to view the topics you wish. Meeting Recording: Links to an external site. |
Assignments and Quizzes, Giving Feedback / Grading in Canvas | 4pm | Wilshusen |
Breaking up these sessions is taking longer than planned. Here is link to the entire day. You can scroll through to view the topics you wish. Meeting Recording: Links to an external site. |
Wednesday March 25
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom Link |
Using Discussion Forums to Support Online Learning |
9 am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Canvas Gradebook | 10:30am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Canvas 101 | 11:30am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Zoom 101 | 1pm | 3CSN | |
Thursday March 26
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom Link / Recording |
Creating Feedback Through Online Tools | 9am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Equity-Minded Online Teaching Practices | 10am | SDSU Dr. Harris and Dr. Wood |
Links to an external site.![]() |
Canvas 101 | 10:30am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Transformation in a Time of Crisis: Changing Course Venues in Midstream | 11am | EDUCAUSE |
Register here (Links to an external site.). (An Educause profile is required for registration) |
Zoom 101 | 1:30pm | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Peer Feedback Online | 3:30pm | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Accessibility Webinar for Transitioning to Online Instruction | 3:00pm | CCC Tech Center | Links to an external site. |
Friday March 27
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom Link / Recording |
Canvas Assignments (creating, grading, managing) |
10:00am | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Screencast-O-Matic and Canvas as Online Tools for Engagement |
11:30am | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Monitoring Student Progress in Canvas |
12:00pm | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Zoom 101 | 1pm | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.) |
Canvas 101 | 2:30pm | 3CSN | (Links to an external site.). |
Monday March 30th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom / Recording link |
Canvas 101 |
8:30 am | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Equity in the Online Classroom | 10:30am | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
NetTutor Jam Sessions |
12:00pm | LyncSystems | Links to an external site. |
Zoom 101 |
1:30pm | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Tuesday March 31st
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Meeting link |
Zoom 102 – Using Breakout Rooms Intentionally | 10:30am | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Canvas 102 – After the Basics, What’s Next? | 11:30AM | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Humanizing Temporary Remote Teaching in Support of Equity |
1:00 pm | Michelle Pacansky-Brock CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Zoom 101 | 1:00pm | CCSN | Links to an external site. |
Using Canvas for Quizzes and Exams |
2:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Wednesday April 1st
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Meeting link |
ASCCC: Discipline-Specific Discussions | Various | ASCCC | Register Here Links to an external site. |
Canvas 102 – Rubrics | 8:30AM | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Seven Simple Steps to Making Your Content Accessible in Canvas |
12:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Zoom 101 | 2:00pm | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Using Canvas for Quizzes and Exams Links to an external site. |
2:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Thursday April 2nd
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Meeting link |
Zoom 102 – Using Breakout Rooms Intentionally | 10:30am | 3CSN | |
Canvas 102 – After the Basics, What’s Next? | 11:30AM | 3CSN | |
Keep Teaching with TechConnect (Confer) Zoom Links to an external site. | 1:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Zoom 101 | 1:00pm | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Canvas Accessibility and Transitioning to Online Classes |
1:00pm | CCC Technology Center | Links to an external site. |
Using Screencast-O-Matic as an Online Learning Tool | 2:30pm | 3CSN | Links to an external site. |
Giving Students Feedback with Speed Grader Links to an external site. |
4:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Friday April 3rd
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Meeting link |
Canvas 102 – Gradebook | 10:00AM | 3CSN | |
Online Education: Teaching Practice Based Courses Online | 12:00 pm | AFT | |
Zoom 101 | 2:00PM | 3CSN | |
Create a Home Page & First Module in Canvas Links to an external site. |
3:00pm | CVC/OEI | Links to an external site. |
Tuesday April 7th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Recording Link |
Organize your Course with Modules | 11:00 am | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Working with Captions in TechSmith Relay | 12:30 pm | Wilshusen |
Wednesday April 8th
Time | Presenter | Zoom Link |
Design a Course with Course Design Tools | 10:00 am | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
Feedback and Grading in Canvas | 12:00 pm | Wilshusen |
Thursday April 9th
Time | Presenter | Zoom Link | |
UDOIT - Accessibility Checker | 10:00 am | Wilshusen | Links to an external site. |
New Rich Text Editor | 12:00 pm | Wilshusen |
tartTime=1586458907000 Links to an external site. |
Wednesday April 22nd
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom link / Recording |
Securing the Exam: How to Use the Proctorio Secure Exam Browser in Your Online Course Links to an external site. | 10 am | CVC / OEI | Join: Links to an external site. |
Connecting with Students: Why Regular Effective Contact Matters Links to an external site. | 3 pm | Wilshusen | Event Details: Links to an external site. |
Friday April 24th
TOPIC | Time | Presenter | Zoom link / Recording |
Canvas Modules | 10 am | Wilshusen | Join URL: Links to an external site. |
Canvas Basics | 12 pm | Wilshusen | Join URL: Links to an external site. |
Fall 2020 Workshops
Date / Time | Topic / Resources | Presenter(s) | Zoom RSVP / Recording |
August 4th 10am – 11:30am |
Adding spice to your Canvas course using Design Tools Resources: |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 4th 12pm – 1:30pm |
Creating inviting Canvas assignments and quizzes Assessing Students-Assign and Quiz.docx Download Assessing Students-Assign and Quiz.docx |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 5th 10am – 11:30am |
Convert paper quizzes into online quizzes using Respondus |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 5th 12pm – 1:30pm |
Creating accessible content for all students |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 6th 10am – 11:30am |
Increase retention by humanizing the Canvas classroom. |
Colleen Harmon |
August 6th 12pm – 1:30pm |
Giving quality feedback and grading in Canvas Annotating Feedback Agenda.pdf Download Annotating Feedback Agenda.pdf |
Brad Langer & Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 7th 10am – 11:30am |
Connection & Community in Your Online Course Through Student to Student Zoom interaction |
Beth Ann Dumas |
August 7th 12pm – 1:30 pm |
Social Engagement in your course using Pronto and Online Office Hours |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 10th 10am – 11:30am |
Turn those PowerPoint slides or other Resources into dynamic videos using screen capture TechSmith Relay Handout.pdf Download TechSmith Relay Handout.pdf |
Jeffrey Nachtigal & Cynthia Wilshusen |
August 10th 12pm – 1:30pm |
Working with Captions in TechSmith Relay See the TechSmith Relay Handout Download TechSmith Relay Handout |
Cynthia Wilshusen |
Other Archives
Canvas Video Hub |
Instructure |
Keep Teaching Playlist |
Working Remotely |
Vision Resource Center |
Requires login |
Teaching Online |
Vision Resource Center |
Requires Login |
Pronto Social Tool |
Wilshusen / Shaun |
Getting Started in Canvas |
Shawn Valćarcel, CVC-OEI | (Links to an external site.)![]() |
Keep Teaching with ConferZoom |
Michelle Pacansky-Brock | (Links to an external site.)![]() |
Digital Strategy in Action: Moving My Science Course Online |
Labster | (Links to an external site.) (Use above link to register for this webinar, but scroll down to see past webinars here: (Links to an external site.)) |
Office Hours
Support Office Hours
If you can't make one of the scheduled sessions below, you can schedule some Zoom office hours.
Name and Title |
Email address | Booking Link |
Additional Information |
Cynthia Wilshusen: DE Coordinator / Instructional Designer | | Booking Link Links to an external site. |
You will be emailed a Zoom link in your confirmation email for your booked appointment Links to an external site. |
Carrie Buhl: Tech Trainer & IT Support |
The team will work hard to respond to your questions as quickly as possible.
Partner sites:
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Links to an external site.
CCC Accessibility Center Links to an external site.
CCCTechCenter Links to an external site.
Complete list of 3CSN sessions
@One (Online Network of Educators) Links to an external site.
CVC/OEI Links to an external site.