Start of Semester Checklist
Start of Semester Checklist
To ensure your Canvas course(s) are ready on the first day of class, here are a few things you should double check!
You can copy your course to your new course shell (no need to rebuild everything from scratch). After you copy it over you can make any necessary adjustments / changes.
Give you students a good start - add a course tutorial
Ensure your Canvas course(s) are ready on the first day of class, here are a few things you should double check! Remember we have a Canvas Tutorial that you can share with students
Links to an external site. to prepare for the semester.
Students will earn a badge and you can ask them to share it with you to confirm completion, we have awarded over 100 badges already and hope to award more!
Publish your course Links to an external site.
Students can't access a course until the Instructor publishes it. Even if it's the first day of class students will not be able to access a course that isn't published. Publishing your course does not mean all of your course content is published. You will still need to make sure all Modules and content items are published also! On your course home page, click the course status option in the upper right hand corner, and select "Publish"
Verify your course start date
When your course is created in banner, the course start and end dates are automatically populated. You can view your course dates by clicking on the "Sections" tab at the top, you can not edit these dates, again they are set when the schedule was created.Instructors do not have the ability to manually adjust their course start and end dates in settings. If your course participation is set to "Course" it allows you to enter dates, but these do not impact your actual course start and end dates. Selecting "Term" is a better option as it gives students viewing privileges for two weeks after end of term. -
You may give students viewing access by changing one setting; then students will be able view the course, and course content. You can change this behavior by editing this in settings:
Uncheck the box that says "Restrict students from viewing the course before the Start date"
Note: Students will not be able to submit any assignments before or after the term the dates visible under sections!
Remove unnecessary Navigational Links
Navigational links are the links on the left side of your course page. If you leave too many of them visible to your students, you run the risk of students becoming confused, or skipping your course content from the Modules and going straight to their quizzes or discussions. There are many applications that are turned on and may. not apply to your course, and it highly recommended you remove them.
Remove any navigation links you are not using or that you don’t want students to access directly.
Email your students
After you have checked all the course settings and your course has been published; you can use the Conversations (inbox) in Canvas to send your students a welcome message and invite them to your course, remind them of the materials they need to obtain prior to the first day of class, etc. Make sure to check the box "Send an individual message to each recipient", if you don't students will be included in a conversation thread where they can reply to the entire class.
Enable Pronto
Pronto is a great way tool for communication in your classes, both directly through direct (one-one) messages and whole class streams. You can use it to send quick reminders, live stream video announcements that you be immediately view on your phone or desktop.
This is automatically turned on for all classes, and you pay disable it if you wish. Check out Pronto resources for assistance.
If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out! Email, visit the support site to Links to an external site. request an appointment.
Favorite your Course
In order for it to show on your dashboard. You can do this by clicking on the"Courses"link in the side navigation, then click"All Courses", then click the star next to the course name to favorite it. Then click back on your dashboard navigation and you should see your course. (see screenshot below).
You might also need to change your dashboard view to card view by clicking the three dots in the upper right hand corner of your dashboard to view the drop down list. (see screenshot below)
You might want to tell your student about this as well so they are able to see your course.
Purchase Course Materials
Allow students to purchase course materials directly from the Cuesta College Bookstore directly from your course. You will see the "Purchase Course Materials" link in your course navigation. Student may click this link, and be directed to the campus bookstore. This option is not intended for ebooks or deep integration of publisher materials. Use the link above to get more details, and a handy handout to provide your students.
Inclusive Access Courses
- If your course will have first day access to your digital materials (ebooks or deep integration of publisher materials), you will need to ensure to add the "Course Materials (First Day Access)" link to your course. Use the link above to get more detailed instructions on how to set up Inclusive Access, and important messages you can provide to your students.