Exp 10d Acids Simulation

  • Due Oct 28, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 20
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Explore the pH of common household items with this simulation!

Part C on Report Sheet

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Use the simulation below to:

  • learn the pH level of 5 different common substances
  • how dilution affects the pH level of the given substances


  1. Click the drop-down lists of the substances and press the red button up to the desired volume of substance to be used.
  2. Add water by clicking the blue button (upper right).
  3. In order to know the pH level of the substances, drag the pH indicator up to the liquid content inside the beaker.
  4. Always Reset before moving to the next substance.
  5. To learn more, explore through this simulation.



You've earned 2 attempts, highest score taken.


Pic of the different features of the pH animation.

PhET acids sim instructions


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