The Syllabus in Canvas makes it easy to communicate to your students exactly what will be required of them throughout the course in chronological order. Some parts of the syllabus are automatically populated and can not be edited by the instructor. See the following guide for more information - How do I use the Syllabus as an Instructor? Links to an external site. |
The information below will give you general information about the different parts of the syllabus tool.
Parts of the Syllabus Page
There are three parts of the Syllabus: top, bottom, and the right sidebar.
- Top - The top part of the syllabus can be edited by the Instructor and can include any text, images, or videos. Some Instructors copy and paste the content of their syllabus into this area. Other Instructors upload a syllabus file (Word or PDF) and link to the file in this area; in the example above the syllabus information is a linked file. For more information on how to edit this see the following guide - How do I edit the Syllabus description in a course? Links to an external site.
- Bottom - The bottom portion of the Syllabus tool is NOT editable by the instructor. The bottom portion of the Syllabus page is automatically populated with items that will be graded and have been assigned due dates. If a due date changes, items are automatically reordered. If a graded item is added to the course, it is automatically added to this portion of the Syllabus. Clicking on any of the assignments will take you to the details of that particular assignment.
- Right Sidebar - The Sidebar contains a calendar which highlights due dates of all the assignments. Dates which have an assignment due will be shaded in a darker grey color. Hovering over that date will highlight the corresponding assignment Below the calendar shows if course grades are being calculated using points (example above is using points) or weights/percentages (if this is the case then each Assignment Group and weight is shown here).
More Information
For more information on how to use the Syllabus page see the following video:
Syllabus Overview Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site..
Make sure your Richland Course Syllabus is Updated
It's important that your syllabus has the most up-to-date information! |
Master Course Syllabus
The Master Course Syllabus is updated on a regular basis, so make sure you are using the most updated version. Below is the most recent version as of December 2017.
Master Syllabus Template Revised December 2017 Download Master Syllabus Template Revised December 2017
The best way to make sure you are using the most updated version is to either check with your Division Administrative Assistant OR go to myRichland (Log into myRichland --> Click on Faculty tab --> scroll down and on the right side of the page is a link to the most current Master Syllabus).
Online Attendance Policy
While the College does not have a formal Online Learning Attendance Policy, the Online Taskforce developed the following Online Attendance Procedures.This should be added to all online course syllabi. |
Online Attendance Policy.docx Download Online Attendance Policy.docx
Purpose of the Procedures
These procedures were designed for a number of reasons including:
- Meet the financial aid/government regulations for attendance in online courses.
- Allow instructors to provides clear guidelines for student attendance in online courses.
- Provides specific information on dropping students from online courses.
Online Help Desk Information
The information below contains expanded information on the technical support available for your students, and the best way for them to get help. This information can be added to your syllabus or placed directly on one of your course pages in Canvas. |
Online Learning Help Desk Information.docx Download Online Learning Help Desk Information.docx
After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the training!