INSTRUCTOR: Marilyne Cleeves (She/her)![Marilyne Cleeves](https://cuesta.instructure.com/eportfolios/119/entries/3336/files/jBuR3Iwqbpy5mGrbrLg7FILmls6j3LlHFdzp9D60)
ADDRESS ME: Marilyne, Ms. Marilyne, or Professor Marilyne
OFFICE HOURS: Flexible (as needed)
PHONE: 772-7336 (leave message)
EMAIL: MCleeves@cuesta.edu
Welcome to CIS 173 Adobe Acrobat! I am excited to embark in this journey where we will work as a team to help you succeed and develop an enjoyment for Adobe Acrobat DC. I am confident that with your inspiration and dedication to learn week after week, you will be able to achieve your goals for this course and improve your ability to work with PDF documents.
Course Meetings
This course is asynchronous and does not require weekly meetings. You will find live video lectures for each of the project assignments you will be submitting. You are encouraged to watch the videos and work alongside where you feel it is necessary. Please don’t hesitate to contact me through Canvas mail if you have any questions.
Diversity Statement
Inclusion, diversity, and equity are hallmarks of a safe, supportive, and educational classroom environment. Part of my objective for this course is to create that safe space that enables all students to engage openly, respectfully, and equally with their classmates, and their instructor, for their education. Please help me create this space with your own positive actions towards others as well.
How to Succeed in the Course
In this course, there are a lot of small reading activities that require your input. The lessons build off each other. I strongly advise that you set a regular schedule for completing your assignments every week.
- Use the Canvas Calendar – Consult the Canvas Calendar or the course summary on the home page of the course to see all the dates for upcoming tutorials, discussions, and projects.
- Use your Personal Calendar – Setup a personal calendar system on your laptop, tablet, or phone (or on paper!) to block out time to complete readings, get yourself ready for tutorials, discussions and to complete assignments.
- Finish Early – Build some lead time so that if something unexpected happens in your life, you can handle it and still have time to complete your work.
- Read Ahead – Try to read a week ahead in the class if you can. It will help you to understand and create your weekly discussion post if you read the requirements for the post early in the week.
- Unit Overview – This is a page at the beginning of each module. It includes the links you need to the videos, lectures, assignments and reading materials. This is the best starting point for each unit.
- Student Led Discussions – These are in the form of online forums. You are given some examples and discuss the content you have learned in this content.
- Ask for Help – If you get in a tough spot and need an extension on an assignment, email me through Canvas mail. I am willing to work with students that need additional help on an assignment. If you are stuck on an assignment, you can ask your peers for help as well. Sometimes a quick note to a classmate in Pronto may be an instant answer for a question someone else has just resolved.
- Students Help Each Other – You are encouraged through the addition of extra credit to help other students. This type of interaction compliments the learning for both the person giving the assistance and the student that is lend a hand.
- Online Video Tutorials -- To help you with the learning process, I have created supplemental video demonstrations. I suggest you follow these steps to watching the videos:
- Watch the Entire Video
- Work the assignment with the video.
- Pause the video during each step and proceed to the next step.
Description and Requisites
Presents primary instruction in the use of Adobe Acrobat Professional. Students learn how to create Adobe PDF files from: Microsoft Office programs, popular authoring programs, image files and Web pages. In addition, students will learn reviewing and commenting on existing PDF files; customizing output quality by compressing and reducing file sizes; adding signatures and security to documents, converting paper forms to interactive online forms; creating multi-media presentations that include sound files. The course also teaches using Adobe Live Cycle Designer to create interactive forms from scratch.
CPAS - Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate how to use Adobe Acrobat to create, combine files and design a PDF portfolio.
- Explain how to read and work with PDF files.
- Describe how to use Adobe Acrobat to convert Microsoft Office files (Windows)
- Identify the process for adding signatures and security to PDF documents.
- Recognize that a PDF file can be converted to an interactive PDF form!
Topics and Scope
Converting into PDF
- Convert Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files into PDF files.
- Email a PDF as an attachment or inline text.
Control Output Quality
- Compression techniques
- Resampling and managing color.
- Editing pages and text
- Exporting data
- Working with pictures and images
Converting Design and Content
- Convert the entire site to a PDF file including all links within the site.
- Convert a single Web page into a PDF printable format.
- Optimizing images and files for on-line viewing
Reduce Image File Size
- Working with pictures and images to maintain color content and reduce size.
Using Adobe PDF Tools
- From an elevation change location of windows
- Add callouts.
Comments and Notes
- Create comments and notes in the PDF document.
- View comments and notes from the PDF document
- Print comments and notes from the PDF document
Combining Files
- Combine Word and graphic files to one PDF document.
- Add existing PDF documents to a converted PDF document.
- Combine reduced Distiller files to one PDF.
Learning Adobe Distiller
- Convert PDF to EPS and PS format.
- Convert EPS and PS formats to PDF reduced file size.
Document Properties and Saving
- Assign visual attributes to the document.
- Assign security.
- Utilize authoring tools.
Creating an Interactive Form
- From a form image, add fields to input data.
- Create boxes and buttons for check marks or fill-in.
Add Policy
Students will be added as space permits. The Last day to add is posted online in the Cuesta Academic Planning Calendar. It is generally the end of the second official class week.
Text and Materials
Adobe Acrobat Ninja
- By Urzula Witherell
- Published by Packt Publishing
- ISBN-10: 1803248173
- ISBN-13: 978-1803248172
This cross-platform (Mac and Windows) book shows students how to collaborate effectively through electronic reviews, easily share their work across multiple platforms and devices (including via the new Adobe Document Cloud service) and speed up their production and business task workflow with Acrobat DC.
Software for Students
Adobe Creative Cloud licenses, which allow students to install Adobe Acrobat Pro as well as other Adobe apps, are available upon request for students. The students need to complete the Adobe License Request Form Links to an external site.. Completing the form will submit your request to SSSP.
Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
SSSP provides supplementary academic services to eligible Cuesta College students. The services of the program are highly personalized, and the program is limited to (175) students. Applications are available year-round as space permits. The goal of TRIO-SSSP is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.
Purchasing Options
If you wish to purchase a license at discount. They are available through College Buys.
You will need a Cuesta College email address to register. The licenses are for 6 months or 1 year. These are the prices:
• 6-month license - $39.99
• 1-year license - $79.98
Additional Information
This course uses the guidelines as they are posted on the Cuesta website for students. A full outline of classwork, examination schedules, and additional college policies is available on the Canvas course page for the class. Attached is a copy of a detailed course syllabus: Click here to download CIS 173 Syllabus.pdf