Summer 2020 Welcome Letter for crn #51136

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Welcome to Survey of Manufacturing  (Summer 2020 crn #51136)

Dear Student,

My name is Ayen Johnson, and I will be your instructor in the upcoming online version of Survey of Manufacturing (ENGR205). This letter is to inform you of some important details prior to the commencement of this online class.  This class is not normally taught in an online format but because of the COVID-19 issue we anticipate that the lecture portion will be online and perhaps the lab portion as well.  We are still waiting for guidelines from the state about the lab part of the class.  We are hoping that the lab portion will still be traditional (in class format) but we don't know.  If we are allowed in class labs we will be sure to follow all guidelines defined by the state.  I wish I could tell you exactly how the class will be ran but I can't, at least not yet.  As soon as we are told I'll be sure to update this web page.


Tentative Test Dates:

  • Unknown at this time.


Course Materials Requirements

You will not be purchasing any course materials in the bookstore and we will be providing them to you.  More instructions will be provided later on how we will get you the materials.


How to use Canvas

Canvas is an online classroom management system that this class will be using.  For more information on how to use it check out the "How-To" links here: to an external site.


Time Requirement

The average student should set aside about 15 to 20 hours a week to be successful in this class.


Resources for Learning


Contacting the Instructor

If you have a non-private question then please post it in the class discussion forum on Canvas, this way other students can benefit from my reply.  If it is a private message then please use the messaging system from within Canvas rather than sending an email via my Cuesta account.  Using the messaging system within Canvas will allow me to have a record of our conversation associated with the class and also won't get marked as spam that may happen with the Cuesta email account.  If none of the above contact options work then you can email me at my Cuesta email account:



More info will come.

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