Sending Messages

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In most cases please post your non-personal questions in the discussion forum, this way everyone in the class can benefit from it.   If you want to send a private message to someone in the class then all you have to do is click on the "Inbox" icon on the far left of the screen in the green column.  To write a message then click on the "pencil" icon on the top right side.  See below:






School's email system don't always deliver the message because sometimes it mistakes it for spam.   Canvas on the other hand will save the message as part of the class and this allows you and your instructor to easily look it up in case their are any problems.  In no situation will I accept any homework sent via email.  Plan ahead and this won't be an issue but if you wait then you have limited options.

If for some reason you don't get a reply then please visit your instructor during office hours or in class.

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