Welcome to Nutrition 210 Online

Instructor: Cherie Moore, M.S.
Important “Get Started” Dates:
You may activate Connect (which includes SmartBook) through our Canvas course starting the first day of class.
You may begin accessing and you are expected to access the course in Canvas on the first day of class.
You have to be dropped from the course (per college board policy) if you do not access the course in Canvas by the end of the first week of class. Also be sure to activate Connect by the end of the first week of class.
Schedule Description:
Examines nutritional needs throughout the life cycle including the interpretation of the chemical composition of food as applied to the utilization of nutrients in the body. Transfer: CSU; UC.
Special announcements:
- Be sure to take the “Student Readiness Quiz”: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/survey.htmlLinks to an external site. before signing up for the course. (Read your results and explanations).
- This general nutrition class is for the motivated and online-savvy student.
- This is not a work-at-your-own-pace class. You will have assignments due each week.
- This class is fully online. There are no mandatory meetings. This class is asynchronous.
Instructor Contact Information:
Email: cmoore@cuesta.edu (Use Canvas messaging after course begins)
- When the semester starts, I am available online (click on Canvas Inbox to email me). I will respond within 24-48 hours, Monday-Friday.
- Make sure you are receiving weekly Canvas messages and regular announcements from me.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the basis of the scientific method as it is used in developing hypotheses and theories, then apply the scientific method-based research, such as in peer-reviewed intervention, epidemiological, lab, and case studies, to the critical evaluation of nutrition-related literature and media, thus differentiating between proven scientific based research and myth.
- Develop a basic understanding of the basic chemical structure of the six classes of nutrients and the substances therein; their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease; and the process by which the human body ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances.
- Judge the effect of nutrition and lifestyle factors that contribute to chronic diseases (and leading causes of death in the United States), then assess one’s own diet for nutritional adequacy, practically apply lifestyle changes, through food label-reading, food safety practices, and altered dietary choices, which are personalized for the individual’s nutrient and phytochemical needs based on health status, body weight differences and goals, sports performance, and differing lifecycle stages.
Materials Requirements:
Connect-Includes the online SmartBook: Contemporary Nutrition-A Functional Approach, McGraw-Hill, Ed. 6, 2021, and includes the NutritionCalc Diet Analysis Software (on the first day of class you will activate the book directly from Canvas link). Your myCuesta account will reflect the charge and you will pay from there. You must use this online version, but you can order a printed version additionally if you desire.
Computer Requirements:
- You need a reliable computer (generally no more than 4 years old) and an Internet connection that will not lose service in the middle of an exam.
- You need a Cuesta e-mail account (check your Cuesta email every day and make sure all Canvas notifications are turned on so that you receive regular instructor announcements and messages).
- Your computer needs to meet minimum system requirements: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/faqs_technical.htmlLinks to an external site.
- Your computer must have all of the capabilities of viewing YouTube, pdfs, PowerPoints, etc.
Use Chrome as a browser. Some links embedded in the textbook only work with Firefox.
College and Course Policies:
Course-specific add-drop policy
- You will likely be dropped if you are inactive in Canvas or Connect for more than 7 days.
- Adds will be guaranteed to the top 10 students on the waitlist.
- Cuesta policy for drops: Drop PolicyLinks to an external site.
- Cuesta Academic honesty policy (Student Code of Conduct & Computer Technology Access Agreement): Academic Honesty PolicyLinks to an external site.
Course-specific waitlist procedure
- The Cuesta automatic waitlist is in effect until 24 hours before class begins.
- Remember that many students can get into this class by the waitlist procedure if they check their email daily; you are given 24 hours to accept your spot through the Cuesta College waitlist process.
- I will give add codes to waitlisted students one day before class when waitlisted students request them.
- If you are on the waitlist when notifications close Sunday 12:00 am then email me to request an add code, giving me your full name, Cuesta email, and course CRN.
Students have until Wednesday night (11:59 pm) to enter their add codes.
- All students should have read the Welcome Letter in its entirety prior to enrolling in my DE classes.
- Cuesta waitlist procedure and instructions: College Waitlist PolicyLinks to an external site.
Grades: You are responsible for following your grades in both Canvas and Connect and waiting to email the instructor until 1 week after assignments are due with questions. You are also responsible for any final grade question by the last day of final exams. Grades will not be updated for any reason after the Friday of the last day of classes so check them!
Accessing Course LMS (Learning Management System)- Canvas:
Students will use Canvas (syllabus, grades, materials, directions, links, videos, discussion board, assignments, messaging, conferencing, etc.) for this course.
Canvas Quick Reference for getting into Canvas:
http://www.cuesta.edu/student/documents/distance_ed_students/Canvas_Quick_Reference_Students.pdfLinks to an external site.
Note: All students receive a myCuesta email that can be accessed through the myCuesta Portal (my.cuesta.edu). If you do not want to use this email you can login to myCuesta and set this email to be forwarded to any other email.
If you are having technical difficulties with the login, contact tech support at support@my.cuesta.edu .
Student Readiness & Time Requirement:
Computer Skills necessary to succeed in the course:
- You are expected to already the computer skills for an online class such as saving in pdf, manipulating and attaching files, and using different forms of interactive computer programs.
- Computer assistance will not be available for this course. Please consider the half unit- Intro to Online- course before taking this course.
Time requirements necessary to succeed in the course:
- You have deadlines each Friday and sometimes other days.
- You may work ahead if assignments are open, but “Discussion/Forum” responses must be done the week they are due.
- Be sure to set your “Notifications” so that you receive all instructor Announcements and Comments via email daily.
- If you have a disability and might need accommodations (support services) in this class, please contact Disabled Student Program & Services in Building 3300 as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the accommodations in a timely manner. DSPS ServicesLinks to an external site.
Important Reminders:
- It is your responsibility to ensure you are properly enrolled in the course!
- You need to check your junk mail if you are not receiving instructor messages weekly in your inbox.
The midterm and final exam are timed-the time runs out. Please do not click on the on the midterm and final until you are ready to take them or your time will run out.
Looking forward to meeting you! See you in class soon! Cherie