Welcome Letter Information

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Welcome to BUS 227 (CRN 74517)
Business Communications

8/12 - 10/11/2024 (9 Weeks)

** Orientation Video Available in Canvas **


Dear Student:

Welcome to distance education at Cuesta College and the online version of Business Communications.  My name is Amity Perry and I will be your instructor for this course.  This letter is to inform you of some of the important details prior to the start of this fall 2024 class.

Instructor Contact Information

Instructor:             Amity Perry
Phone:                 805.462.7090 cell
Email:                   amity_perryboada@cuesta.edu or amityperry@sbcglobal.net

Instructor Contact Expectations:  The best and fastest way to contact me is email. I will generally respond to your emails within 24 hours.

Course Overview

This course highlights the principles and techniques applicable to all forms of effective business communication.  General areas of grammar mechanics and sentence structure will be covered, as well as an emphasis on memorandums, e-mail, routine request letters, positive response letters, negative response correspondence, persuasive communication, resumes, application letters, and report writing.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Apply business writing principles to plan and compose clear, concise, and accurate business letters and memos.
  • Identify and employ the proper communication channel that is most appropriate for a given business situation.
  • Identify and solve business problems through researching and reporting the findings in a report.
  • Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills in preparing business messages and presentations.
  • Utilize digital tools for researching, reporting, composing and interacting on the job.
  • Demonstrate command of rules regarding plagiarism and academic ethics.
  • Exercise effective communication through writing, oral presentation, and visual argument.

Course Environment

This online course will be using a Web-based Learning Management System Canvas as the method to disseminate information. Canvas provides the framework for the course including PowerPoint presentations, student data files, the tools to receive and send course materials, and a grade book. Using the communication tools, you can communicate using e-mail, and you can share materials and ideas with other course participants via the discussion forums.

If you have never taken an online class or this is your first experience with Canvas, please be patient with yourself. Online classes are not inherently easier, although they may be much more convenient for many students. You should expect to spend at least as much time, if not more on this course as you would on a course that meets face to face. Since there is no lecture component, much of this time will be self-directed and there will be a substantial amount of reading, viewing, studying, and writing required. This course is completely online using Canvas; all coursework (discussions, assignments, quizzes) is submitted online. There are no face-to-face meetings. 

Please be prepared to spend 8 - 12 hours per week on coursework for this class. Are you wondering how successful you may be at a distance education course? Take the Self-Assessment Survey at http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/survey.htmlLinks to an external site..

Contact Policy

Regular and effective instructor contact will be met through weekly instructor initiated threaded discussion forums; weekly announcements to students; timely and effective feedback on student assignments; email, and phone or messaging to individuals.

Class Requirements

You will need to have access to an e-mail account and the World Wide Web.  You will also need to purchase your textbook prior to the first day of class.  There are MANY book options at this website: Essentials of Business Communication, 12th Edition - Cengage or Essentials of Business Communication, 12th Edition - Amazon. We will NOT be using MindTap or any access code for additional resources, but it is often cheaper to purchase the book with it. If you want to browse MindTap please use course key: MTPPWXWZ67VJ.  The textbook is also available at the Cuesta College library Reserve for a 2-hour checkout.  I have listed the textbook details below.

Product cover for Essentials of Business Communication 12th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey/Dana Loewy     Product cover for Essentials of Business Communication 11th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey/Dana Loewy  Product cover for Essentials of Business Communication 10th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey/Dana Loewy         


ANY EDITION WILL WORK – 12th, 11th or 10th

Essentials of Business Communications, 12th Edition, by Guffey & Loewy
Cengage Learning, ISBN#
Essentials of Business Communications, 11th Edition, by Guffey & Loewy
Cengage Learning, ISBN#
Essentials of Business Communications, 10th Edition, by Guffey & Loewy
Cengage Learning, ISBN#

It is essential that you understand the basic concepts of email, web navigation and online communication to succeed in this course.

Computer Requirements

The browser requirements and minimum qualifications required for this class are detailed in the following link:
https://www.cuesta.edu/academics/distance/faqs_technical.htmlLinks to an external site..

  • Software:

I use the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word to make comments on the files you submit for grading.  All assignments must be submitted in Word (doc or docx) format.  I will not accept documents in pdf or pages format.

Accessing Canvas

Prior to when classes start, you will receive an email to your my.Cuesta.edu address providing you with a reminder that class will be starting and log in procedures for Canvas, the learning management system (LMS) used to deliver course content. You can access Canvas via cuesta.edu by clicking on Canvas on the top left of screen or by typing https://cuesta.instructure.com/ into your browser address bar. Do not bookmark / favorite the canvas site after your login, or you will get an error message next time you try to log in. You must access the canvas log in directly.

If you are not familiar with logging into Canvas, please refer to the Canvas Quick Reference GuideLinks to an external site.. Once logged into Canvas you will be directed on where to get started. Be sure to read all the direction on the course home page.  

If you are having difficulty logging into Canvas after class begins and need assistance please email me or technical support at support@my.cuesta.edu.
Technical Support: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/technical_support.htmlLinks to an external site.

College Policies

Each student is required to follow all school guidelines and comply with all school deadlines including personal responsibility for adding and/or dropping this class. Drop dates are available on the academic calendar. Each student is responsible for obtaining updates or changes to the syllabus and/or assignments for the course.


This course is designed using an accessible Learning Management System, and course materials have been created with ADA compliance in mind. If you have a disability and might need accommodations in this class such as extended time on exams or other resources. Please contact the instructor as soon as possible so that you can receive appropriate accommodations in a timely manner. You should also contact DSPS (Disabled Student Programs & Services) at 805-546-3148 or http://www.cuesta.edu/student/studentservices/dsps/index.htmlLinks to an external site.

Academic Honesty:

Students are responsible for being aware of and complying with the Academic Honesty Policy (refer to Cuesta College Schedule or Cuesta College Catalog). At the discretion of the instructor, students being academically dishonest (submitting another student’s work as your own, e.g. copying a computer file that contains another student’s work) will be dropped from the course. If the drop deadline has passed, students will receive a failing grade in the course. In addition, a “Student Incident Report” will be filed with the Vice President of Academic Affairs office.

All students attending San Luis Obispo County Community College District at any district site and when representing Cuesta College in any off-campus activity, assume an obligation to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner compatible with the Student Code of conduct. Please review the Cuesta College Standards of Conduct at: https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cuesta/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=A2SMMY5BC350Links to an external site.

Add /Drop Policy:

Please review the Cuesta policy for drops

Students who are not actively completing assignments will be dropped by the instructor and denied access to Canvas.

Waitlist Policy:

Please review Cuesta’s waitlist procedure and instructions: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/studentservices/admrreg/arpolicies/Waitlist.htmlLinks to an external site.


If you have any further questions prior to the first day of class, please feel free to email me at amity_perryboada@cuesta.edu

Thank you,
Amity Perry

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