Course: KINA 237/239 - Pickleball
This is a F2F class with an additional online component that is NOT workout based. The workouts will be in person. The online content is to enhance a student's fitness knowledge and to complete the contact time allocated for a 1.0 unit fitness class

Instructor: Allison Head
Contact Information
Email Address:
Office Hours: To be determined one week prior to the start of class.
Introduces the basic skills and strokes used in controlling play, rules, and etiquette of various racquet-based sports such as pickleball, tennis, and badminton. Provides basic instruction on movement fundamentals including ground strokes, serving, strategy patterns, and introduce advanced skills. Presents individual instruction to develop player's own personal stroke pattern and refine skills in a competitive atmosphere.
Instructor Contact Expectations
The best and quickest way to reach me is via email. I generally respond to your emails within 24-48 hours during weekdays only. Note: I will contact you frequently through announcements so please check those daily.
Course Environment
This is a F2F class. The online component of the course will use Canvas as the method to distribute information. Canvas provides the framework for the course, including access to the drills and other coursework. Also, it is through Canvas that you will send me messages, receive announcements, and access the grade book.
Note: The class Canvas page will be available approximately one week prior to the class start date. You can preview the site (no work submittal) and review the syllabus at that time.
Accessing Canvas
Prior to the first date of class, you will receive an email to your as a reminder that class will be starting. You will see your course in Canvas on the first day of class. You can access Canvas by clicking on Canvas from the top bar of the Cuesta homepage (, or by typing the Canvas address ( into your browser address bar.
If you are not familiar with logging into canvas, please refer to the Canvas Quick Reference Guide. Once logged into Canvas you will be directed on where to get started. Be sure to read all the direction on the course home page.
If you are having difficulty logging into Canvas after the first day of class and need assistance please email me or technical support at this email address
If you have never taken an online class or this is your first experience with Canvas, please be patient with yourself. Online classes are not inherently easier, although they may be much more convenient for many students.
Go to the Cuesta College Canvas Tutorial (self-paced). There are many resources that were designed to help you understand the basis for an online class and the skills necessary for success. (If the tutorials do NOT describe you, then taking this class online is NOT for you and I strongly suggest that you drop the online class and enroll in a traditional classroom section.)
Regular Effective Contact Policy
Regular and Effective Instructor Contact will be met through weekly instructor workout sessions; weekly discussions; weekly announcements to students; timely and effective feedback on student assignments; email, or messaging to individuals; and virtual office hours.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze the level to which the specific activity course has helped them maintain or improve their level of well-being.
2. Develop and assess pre/post fitness goals.
3. Demonstrate proper kickboxing stance, form, and technique.
4. Define basic cardiorespiratory and fitness principles
For the official course description and course outline of record please go to CurricUNET:
Textbook and Materials
- There is no required textbook for this course.
Technical Support
Cuesta students are encouraged to direct all technical support inquiries to If you are having issues with Canvas, or email
If you are having difficulty viewing the course or logging in, it may be because you are not using the correct URL: or you are using your phone or using an unsupported browser.
Your learning environment is best accessed from a desktop or laptop computer, using Firefox or Chrome. This may solve your problem! Please review the browser requirements and minimum computer specifications
This course is designed using an accessible Learning Management System, and course materials have been created with ADA compliance in mind. If you have a disability and might need accommodations in this class such as extended time on exams or other resources. Please contact the instructor as soon as possible so that you can receive appropriate accommodations in a timely manner. You should also contact DSPS (Disabled Student Programs & Services)Links to an external site. or at 805-546-3148.
Course & College Policies
- Use respectful and appropriate language in your forum discussions.
- Please do not use texting language such as “lol”.
- Emoticons are acceptable ways to show emotion.
- You are expected to read all forum posts.
- You are to respond to the appropriate number of posts for each forum.
- All messages are public, so be careful and courteous when you post.
- Make your posts thorough and your replies as well.
- Complete sentences and thoughts are mandatory for forum posts.
- Use a person's name when you reply to his/her post.
Academic Honesty Policy
In addition to the behavior expectations noted above, please note all students attending San Luis Obispo County Community College District at any district site and when representing Cuesta College in any off-campus activity, assume an obligation to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner compatible with the Student Code of conduct. Please review the Cuesta College Student Code of conduct