About Me
My name is Dr. Patrick M. Len, and I will be your instructor for this course. You can watch this video to find out more about me!
Contact Information
Instructor: Dr. Patrick M. Len, Ph.D.
E-mail: pLen@cuesta.edu
About This Course
Here are some important details to know about this course before the start of the fall 2024 semester. You will gain full access to this course on the first day of the semester (Monday, August 12). This course is a hybrid of in-person classroom and online work.
In this course you will be learning about your place in the universe, what you are looking at in the night (or day) sky, how we collect light from those celestial objects, and what those things can tell us about how they came to be, how they live right now, and how they will inevitably die.
Together we will explore the universe, while being respectful of everyone's backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. We will have an opportunity to learn about astronomy and from each other in an enthusiastic and welcoming environment. Your feedback is valuable, and so please let me know what can be done to maximize your learning experience.
Hybrid Course Information
We will be using Canvas (a web-based learning management system) for course materials and links, quizzes and exams, grades, e-mail and discussion boards. There are in-person lecture meetings (Wednesday 6:00 PM - 7:20 PM in room 2609, San Luis Obispo campus). Please be prepared to spend 8-12 hours per week for this course on attending the face-to-face class, and self-directed online reading, viewing, studying, and writing.
If you are unsure if a hybrid course with an online component is right for you, go to Cuesta College's Online Readiness Resources webpage and go through the questions listed there, to self-assess your ability to succeed.
Refer to the Technical Frequently Asked Questions regarding specific minimum computer and browser requirements for Canvas.
Cuesta College has resources on Getting Started with Canvas, and offers a "Being Successful Online" tutorial.
Cuesta College has a technical support page available to help you with Canvas problems.
Course Catalog Description
This course presents the astronomy of planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, meteors, the sun, stars, and galaxies. Prerequisite: elementary algebra or eligibility for college-level math using the current college process.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand cycles and motions of the sun, moon, stars, and planets.
- Describe and explain how light is collected and analyzed in astronomy.
- Compare and contrast features of planets and other solar system objects.
- Describe and explain properties and lives of stars and galaxies.
- Discuss and evaluate astronomy content and value of statements from literature, media, and popular culture.
Required Materials
Please contact me if you have problems purchasing or accessing the textbook; breaking or losing your starwheel; or with scanning and uploading written work using a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
You can arrange reasonable learning accommodations for this course (or for selected components that may be inherently inaccessible) through Cuesta College Disabled Student Programs & Services, and they will coordinate with you and me on the specific details.
Academic Standards
In this course, you will learn a lot of astronomy, and you will need to show me how much astronomy you have learned. In order to do this, I will:
- Help each student learn to the best of their ability.
- Be fair in grading work done by each student.
In return, you must study and learn, and do only your own individual work on the assignments. Together we can do this, and successfully explore the universe and our place in it!
(Review the Cuesta College Student Code of Conduct for a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.)