KINA 223 Pilates Barre CRN 32951
Instructor: Mechelle Medhurst
Contact information
Email Address:
Office Location/ Hours: TBA
Course Environment:
How in the heck can you teach Pilates Barre online? Well my friends, you would be surprised! I will be adding more details but, in a nutshell, … I will have a “live” class via Zoom at the designated class time. The live session can be found by logging into class, via canvas, and hitting the zoom link found on the left-hand side of the page. I will also be recording the class. If you do not want to attend during the class time period or something prevents you from doing so, I will have the class posted on canvas. You can take the same class, at your convenience, anytime during that week.
Instructor Contact Expectations:
The best and fastest way to contact me is email. I will generally respond to your emails within 24 hours during weekdays only. During busy times of the semester, the response time may increase to 48 hours. On weekends, I will do my best to get back to you ASAP but I cannot guarantee an expeditious response.
Class opens / Accessing Canvas:
Prior to the Monday classes start -March 17th, you will receive an email to your address providing you with a reminder that class will be starting and log in procedures for Canvas, the learning management system (LMS) used to deliver course content. You can access Canvas by logging into MyCuesta, then clicking on the Resources Tab, then clicking on Canvas in the Online Learning Channel, or by typing the Canvas address ( into your browser address bar. Do not bookmark / favorite the canvas site after your login, or you will get an error message next time you try to log in. You must access the canvas log in directly.
If you are not familiar with logging into canvas, please refer to the Canvas Quick Reference Guide.Links to an external site. Once logged into Canvas you will be directed on where to get started. Be sure to read all the direction on the course home page.
If you are having difficulty logging into Canvas after March 17th and need assistance please email me or technical support at this email address:
Course Description
Teaches fundamentals of the Pilates technique using the ballet barre as a tool. Presents a fitness method that utilizes a ballet barre warm-up in a complimentary fashion with principles, exercises, poses, stretches, and breathing techniques derived from Pilates and Yoga
Add / Drop Policy: Please make sure you log into the course on the first day (August 17th) If you do not you may be dropped from the course. In addition to my policy, please review the Cuesta policy for drops