HEED 208 CRN 30361
Instructor: Mechelle Medhurst M.S.
Contact information
Email Address: mmedhurs@cuesta.edu
Office Location/ Hours: mostly from home! Office hours by appt.
Welcome to Multi-Cultural Health Fully On-Line Course. I am glad you are here and will do my best to help you succeed in this course. Although we have no scheduled class meetings, we will virtually meet thru ZOOM. You will find the zoom link on the left hand side column in this canvas course. To complete this course you will need to buy the access to the connect. It is at a special price of $58.00 - which you will see when you look under the textbooks link in class finder. You will automatically have access to the textbook unless you choose to opt out. It also can be purchased thru the link "First Day Access Materials" found in the canvas course. You will be submitting assignments thru connect as well as canvas. This is an accelerated 9 week course so things move pretty quickly. You must log in by Wednesday (3/20) and complete the first assignment or you may be dropped from the course.
Instructor Contact Expectations:
The best and fastest way to contact me is email. I will generally respond to your emails within 24 hours during weekdays only. During busy times of the semester, the response time may increase to 48 hours. On weekends, I will do my best to get back to you ASAP but I cannot guarantee an expeditious response.
Course Environment:
This online course will be using a Web-based Learning Management System Canvas as the method to disseminate information. Canvas provides the framework for the course including PowerPoint presentations, student data files, the tools to receive and send course materials, and a grade book. Using the communication tools, you can communicate using e-mail, and you can share materials and ideas with other course participants via the discussion forums and groups.
Class opens / Accessing Canvas:
Prior to the Monday class starts - March 18th - you will receive an email to your my.Cuesta.edu address providing you with a reminder that class will be starting and log in procedures for Canvas, the learning management system (LMS) used to deliver course content. You can access Canvas by logging into MyCuesta, then clicking on the Resources Tab, then clicking on Canvas in the Online Learning Channel, or by typing the Canvas address (https://cuesta.instructure.com/) into your browser address bar. Do not bookmark / favorite the canvas site after your login, or you will get an error message next time you try to log in. You must access the canvas log in directly.
If you are having difficulty logging into Canvas after January 16th and need assistance please email me or technical support at this email address: support@my.cuesta.edu.
Online Learning:
If you have never taken an online class or this is your first experience with Canvas, please be patient with yourself. Online classes are not inherently easier, although they may be much more convenient for many students. You should expect to spend at least as much time, if not more on this course as you would on a course that meets face to face. Since there is no lecture component, much of this time will be self-directed. This course is completely online using Canvas; all coursework (discussions, assignments, quizzes) is submitted online. There are no face-to-face meetings. Please be prepared to spend 3-5 hours per week on coursework for this class
- First, go to the Online Readiness ResourcesLinks to an external site. to take a "self-assessment”. There are many resources that were designed to help you understand the basis for an online class and the skills necessary for success. (If the tutorials do NOT describe you, then taking this class online is NOT for you and I strongly suggest that you drop the online class and enroll in a traditional classroom section.)
Regular Effective Contact policy:
Regular and Effective Instructor Contact will be met through weekly instructor initiated threaded discussion forums; weekly announcements to students; timely and effective feedback on student assignments; email, phone or messaging to individuals; and virtual office hours.
Course Description
Examines the major health problems facing non-dominant/minority ethnic groups related to acculturation, assimilation, and biological variations. Various health beliefs systems, folk remedies, health practices, and attitudes toward health will be analyzed to promote prejudice reduction and understanding of cultural differences. A variety of non-traditional and experiential teaching/learning strategies will be used to examine alternative approaches to healthy lifestyles and to develop a personal health plan.
Text Book and Materials
- Access in Canvas Connect - Connect Core Concepts in Health ISBN: 2818440003745
- The textbook is included in the connect course link so unless you want a hard copy, no need to buy the textbook. The first day access connect link will be about $55
Technical Support
Cuesta students are encouraged to direct all technical support inquiries to support@my.cuesta.edu. If you are having issues with Canvas, you should contact the Canvas Support Hotline at (877) 921-7680, or click on the help button on the Canvas Navigation to report a problem.
If you are having difficulty viewing the course or logging in, it may be because you are not using the correct url: https://cuesta.instructure.com/ or you are using your phone or using an unsupported browser.
Your learning environment is best accessed from a desktop or laptop computer, using Firefox or Chrome. This may solve your problem! Please review the browser requirements and minimum computer specificationsLinks to an external site. at:
This course is designed using an accessible Learning Management System, and course materials have been created with ADA compliance in mind. If you have a disability and might need accommodations in this class such as extended time on exams or other resources. Please contact the instructor as soon as possible so that you can receive appropriate accommodations in a timely manner. You should also contact DSPS (Disabled Student Programs & Services)Links to an external site. at 805-546-3148 or
College & Course Policies:
Academic Honesty Policy: In addition to my course policy, please note all students attending San Luis Obispo County Community College District at any district site and when representing Cuesta College in any off-campus activity, assume an obligation to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner compatible with the Student Code of conduct. Please review the Cuesta College Student Code of conductLinks to an external site. at:
Add / Drop Policy: You must log into this course (via Canvas) on the first day of class. If you do not, you may be dropped and your place will be given to any student on the wait list. Please review the Cuesta policy for drops
Waitlist Policy: Please review Cuesta’s waitlist procedure and instructions Links to an external site.: