Welcome to CHEM 231 (Sp2020)

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CHEM 231: Biochemistry Online

Spring 2021 Semester
Asynchronous Class Dates: January 19-May 21, 2021


Welcome to CHEM 231

This course presents a detailed introduction to the principles, concepts, and terminology of biochemistry.  An emphasis will be placed on the structure and function of biological molecules and the role of metabolism in energy production.  We will examine the composition, fundamental structure, chemistry, and properties of biological macromolecules, as well as protein structure, function, enzyme catalysis, and the details and regulation of the central metabolic pathways (e.g., glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the citric acid cycle, electron transport, and oxidative phosphorylation).  The organizing principles of biochemistry and the distinctive characteristics of the living state will be emphasized throughout the course.  Most importantly, Chemistry 231 will give you an understanding of the biochemical world and how it is essential to everyday life.


Contact Information

Instructor:  Praveen Babu, Ph.D.

Email: pbabu@cuesta.edu

Online Office:  (A Zoom Office will be used for virtual office hours.  Links and details will be provided through our Canvas course site once registered.)

Office/Mailbox: SLO – 2324     NCC – N2429

Phone: SLO – (805) 546-3100 x2196            NCC – (805) 591-6200 x4511


Class and Electronic Device Requirements

Make sure to address the following question: Is an online class suited for you? 

  • As your instructor, it is my duty to ensure you take the time to go to the Online Readiness Resources page Links to an external site., take the "self assessment survey," and then read "Your Results".  (If that survey does not describe you, then taking this class online is not in your best interest regarding student success and I strongly suggest you enroll in a traditional classroom section.

If you are suited for an online course, you will need the following:

  • You must have constant access to a reliable computer.
  • You must have a reliable Internet connection.
  • You must have access to your my.Cuesta.edu email account (or have successfully set up email forwarding to your third party email provider).
  • You must have access to Cuesta College's Canvas learning management system (LMS).
  • You must have a backup plan in case your internet provider or computer goes down.  For issues related to accessing Cuesta's Canvas Site, email: support@my.cuesta.edu
  • You must understand the basic concepts of email, web navigation and online communication to succeed in this course.
  • Finally, you must obtain access to the following course materials prior to the second day of class.



“C” grade or better in Chem 201A: General College Chemistry I or a higher course.


Required Texts and Materials

The following items listed below are the only course-specific materials you will need to succeed in this course.  Retailers may “suggest” or “recommend” additional items (e.g., lab coats, laminated Periodic Tables, study guides, etc.).  Those are not required for this course and you do not need to purchase them.  What you do need is as follows:

Biochemistry: A Short Course

   Tymoczko, Berg, Gatto,  & Stryer

   4th Edition (2019)

   (ISBN-10: 1319114636, ISBN-13: 9781319114633) 

Scientific calculator

  • Examples of acceptable models include the Texas Instruments TI-30Xa or TI-30XIIS and the Casio fx-115ES Plus models.
  • Scientific calculators in the $10-$20 range should be fine.
  • You do not need a graphing calculator, but use of a graphing calculator is permitted.


Grading Policy

Each student will be graded using examinations, quizzes, homework assignments, class participation weighted as follows: 

Type of Assessment Weighted % of Overall Grade
Examinations   30%
Quizzes   30%
Assignments & Participation
Cumulative Final Examination 20%

Final course grades will be based on a standard percentage scale: A (91-100%), B (81-88%), C (71-78%), D (61-68%), and F (< 60%).  Plus/minus grades will be given for borderline scores within 1%.

Examinations will be administered on the dates indicated on the lecture schedule.  A makeup examination will be given, at the instructor’s discretion, only in an emergency and must be requested within 2 days of the scheduled examination.  A 15% penalty will be deducted from the score on any makeup examination and only one makeup examination per student will be administered per semester.  Only students who have completed all assignments prior to the scheduled exam date are eligible for a makeup examination.  There are no makeup quizzes.  Each student’s lowest quiz grade will be dropped prior to the calculation of their final grade.  There is no makeup for the final examination. The cumulative final examination will be administered on the date scheduled by the College and provided in the lecture schedule at the beginning of the course.


Lecture Schedule

***NOTE: A detailed lecture schedule will be posted prior to the first week of class within the Canvas course site.***



A portion of your overall grade may be determined by submission of off-line assignments.  After you have joined a course you can open any assignment from the Assignments Due Soon area or from the Assignments page.  You must have the ability to generate PDF documents for submission of written assignments and work.


Attendance Policy

  1. Regular participation in an online course is equivalent to regular attendance in a face to face lecture.  It is essential to succeed in this course. Your participation is monitored by your instructor by your posts to discussions; attendance in Zoom office hours, discussions, or problem-solving sessions; and course analytics provided by our Canvas learning management system.  
  2. Students who do not participate in the course for four consecutive days may be dropped from the course.  Administratively dropped students will still need to officially withdraw from the course.
  3. In the event of an absence, you are responsible for turning in assignments on time, obtaining new assignments, and noting any schedule changes.


Dr. Babu's Office Hours (Tentative; Finalized once class starts)

Day Time Office Location
Monday 10:00am-11:00am N/A Online (via Zoom)
Tuesday 10:00am-11:00am N/A Online (via Zoom)
Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am N/A Online (via Zoom)
Thursday 10:00am-11:00am N/A Online (via Zoom)

It is important to note that I am also available by appointment, email, or via Zoom (teleconferencing).  If you have any questions, just ask!  If you’re having trouble, please see me early and as often as possible until you’re comfortable with the material.  I am here to help, and I sincerely want you to do well.


Proper Etiquette During Online Course Participation:

The first thing to remember while taking an online course is that it is a very different environment than a traditional classroom setting.  Many of the social norms you are used to don't exist online.  For example, what you may say in jest with a smile clearly indicating that it was not to be taken seriously or perhaps to be taken sarcastically will not come across the same way online.  With that in mind, please remember that everyone learns in different ways and at a different pace.  Joining an online class is much like joining an online community.  Please exercise your best judgement at all times and be respectful of your fellow students. It is important that the learning environment for this course be supportive of diversity in all areas and that every student feels welcome, included, valued and heard.  Respect for differences in opinions and for one another is required and the expectation for all students whether they are online or in the traditional classroom.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.  I can be reached via Canvas and at pbabu@cuesta.edu

  • Use respectful and professional language in all forum discussions and communications.
  • Show respect for the fact that you and your peers will learn at different rates and in different ways.
  • Please refrain from using common texting language (e.g., LOL, SCNR, FWIW, etc.).
  • Always use proper capitalization and complete sentences.  If you make a typographical error, simply make a correction by following up your post with a one word correction of that error or appropriate punctuation mark.  For example, if you post "I think the answer is calcium sulfate," but made a typographical error because you mean "sulfite," simply post "sulfite" if necessary.  If multiple posts are made by others before you realize your error, let it go.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS as this is only used to convey when one is SCREAMING.
  • You are expected to read all forum posts, and to make at least 7 posts or responses with specific details in the discussion forums this term.  Corrections to typographical errors do not count toward your 7 post minimum.  Try to give guidance rather than provide exact answers.  Assigned posts do not count towards your 7 post minimum.
  • All messages are public, so be professional and courteous when you post.  Once you put something online, it is there forever.
  • Make your posts and replies specific to a particular problem or issue.
  • Coherent thoughts are mandatory for forum posts.  Make sure to read your posts before submitting them because they must make sense to others on the first reading.  This means putting more effort in than a text to a friend.  Take pride when people understand your post immediately, rather than asking follow up clarification questions of you.
  • You must log into Canvas at least once per week.


Academic Honesty

Students are responsible for being aware of and complying with the Cuesta College Student Conduct/Academic Honesty Policy.  This policy especially pertains to our course as each student is responsible for generating, analyzing, and submitting their own calculations, conclusions, and assignments. Students who fail to comply will be dropped from the course or given a failing grade (F).


Special Accommodations

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should discuss your specific needs with me privately.  Please contact Disabled Student Services & Programs at (805) 546-3148 (SLO) or (805) 591-6215 on the North County Campus to help coordinate accommodations for students with documented disabilities.


Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to accomplish the following:

  1. Describe the fundamental chemical principles and reactions involved in biochemical processes and explain the structure, function, and regulation of metabolic pathways.
  2. Communicate the language of biochemistry using IUPAC and common nomenclature and representations of molecules.
  3. Evaluate and interpret numerical and chemical scientific information.
  4. Apply knowledge of bioenergetics and metabolic pathways to solve biological problems.


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