Welcome Letter for Sandbox

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Mus. 237 – Rock and Roll History

Instructor – Marcy Irving


Phone – (805) 546-3000 – ext. 2666

Office Hours – Monday Through Thursday from 2:00-3:00

Welcome to Class!

I’m so glad that you decided to take this course! We will spend the beginning of the course discussing music in general, and the beginnings of American popular music. The majority of the class is spent studying the history of Rock and Roll, starting in the1950s and going to the present. We will concentrate on music of the 1960s and 70s, since this is the music I find that students are less familiar with. By the end of this course you will have a good sense of the historical progress of Rock, and you will be familiar with the most important artists in Rock. Hopefully you will also have learned some great music that you didn’t know before, and have had some fun!

Student Learning Outcomes:

In this course you will:

  1.  Identify different styles of American Popular   music
  2.  Demonstrate the ability to make discriminative judgments about America Popular Music
  3.  Demonstrate an understanding of the historical progression and development of America Popular Music.
  4.  Identify specific popular music literature.
  5.  Describe the influence of popular music on other forms of musical expression


Class Materials:

The required materials for the course are:

  • Stuessy, Joe; Rock and Roll: Its History and Stylistic Development,

8th Edition, Prentice-Hall

  • Course Packet: There is a yellow course packet for sale in the bookstore. It contains forms and study guides that will help you during the semester.


Contacting the Instructor:

Email is the quickest and best way to contact me. I will usually respond within 48 hours during the week, but I do not check email on the weekends. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have about the course. Also I will be holding virtual office hours, Monday through Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00, where you can chat with me in Canvas if you would like.


Course Environment:

The entire course will happen in Canvas. There will be no in person meetings. The class will be entirely asynchronous, meaning that I will post the modules (units) in Canvas, and you can view them any time that works for you. You do not have to be here at a certain time. I feel this works better for everyone. You will participate in class discussions on Canvas, watch videos, submit you assignments, and take all quizzes and tests in Canvas.

Accessing the Class:

All students will receive and email the week before your class starts (8/17), reminding you of the first day of class, and explaining how to access Canvas. The easiest way to access Canvas is to log into MyCuesta, you can do a search for Canvas if the link is not already sitting on you home page. Do not bookmark/favorites Canvas. You will not be able to log in that way.

If you need help logging into Canvas please take a look at the Canvas Quick Reference Guide

Online Learning

Please be patient if this is your first online class. Remember that online classes are just as much work as a face-to-face class, and take just as much time. There will be the same number of assignments, and exams and quizzes. You will also need to view videos and lectures. If you are not familiar with technology, this might offer challenges to you that you would not face in a face-to-face class. Online classes require much for independence from the students, and if you feel that this isn’t something you are ready for, you may want to rethink taking online courses. Please view the Cuesta College Canvas Tutorial (self paced),. It will help you understand what is involved in online course, if you are not familiar with them.

Regular Contact Policy:

We will be in regular contact throughout the entire course. I will contact you through class discussions, announcements, emails, and feedback on assignments. Even though this class is not face-to face, we will be keeping in touch with each other.

Computer Requirements:

Please see the Cuesta College computer requirements for online learning: http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/faqs_technical.html


Technical Support:

If you require any technical support please email the Student Technical Support team at support@my.cuesta.edu. They are wonderful, and will be able to help you with whatever you need. If you are having problems with something in Canvas, you can also try asking me. I am not a technical wizard, but I might be able to help.

If you are having difficulty viewing the course or logging in, it may be because you are not using the correct url: https://cuesta.instructure.com/ or you are using your phone or using an unsupported browser. Your learning environment is best accessed from a desktop or laptop computer, using Firefox or Chrome. This may solve your problem!


This course was designed to be ADA compliant. If you have a disability and your needs are not being met, please do not hesitate to let me know. All students will have as long as they need to take exams. If you feel that you might have a disability either physical, or a learning disability, please contact DSPS (Disabled Student Programs & Services) at 805-546-3148 or https://www.cuesta.edu/student/studentservices/dsps/index.html.


Course Policies:

Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty is very important in this class and at Cuesta College.

                 Please do not quote anything from websites or any written works without giving proper credit. If any plagiarism is found in student assignments, or students are caught cheating on tests, quizzes, or reports they will be failed on that assignment. Please see the Academic Honesty policy in the Schedule of Classes for more details.


Drop Policy-


We will have a discussion in class that is due by the end of the first week of class. If a student has not participated in the course by the end of the first week, they will be dropped from the course. If there is some legitimate reason for you to miss the first week of class, please communicate with me.


After the first week class, I will not drop students! If you stop participating in the class and do not drop yourself, you will receive an F in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the class if you are no longer participating. I will not drop you!


Late Work

This semester, since online learning is new to many of you, and also to me, I will be accepting late work. Please try not abuse this privilege.

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