70247_Chem201B_Baxley F24

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      General College Chemistry II       

Welcome to Chemistry 201B!

I hope that students will find that the information presented in class is interesting, thought-provoking, and leads to an improved knowledge of the chemistry all around us. Let's work together to ensure your success and to observe your scientific skills improve throughout the semester. 

This Welcome Letter/syllabus has a course schedule and outlines the expectations, policies, required materials and other information needed for you to be successful in this course.  I strive to create an inclusive space for all students to learn and share their experiences and I want you to succeed. 

I'm excited that you've already shown yourself to be a successful, dedicated student by reading the syllabus. I am here to help you learn with study tips, motivation, and in-depth explanations, and I'll catch you if you stumble.  


Required meetings Fall 2024:

This class is a traditional face to face (f2f) class. We are scheduled to have the following meetings:

  • In-person lecture meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays in SLO room 2402 from 8:30-10:20. This time will consist of lectures, problem solving sessions, and assessments.
  • In-person lab meetings on Monday at 9:30-12:20 in SLO room 2105 for experiments and exam reviews. Some labs may be done remotely rather than in person.
  • weekly online work: there will be a small amout of online work for this class, including online HW, lab/prelab submissions, and chapter quizzes.
  • study time: additional time (at least 8-10 hours) that will be necessary for reading, completing homework, and practicing problems.

*This class may be converted to a more online experience if on-campus learning is restricted by health requirements. 


Your teacher this semester:

Greg Baxley        Office  # 2306         gbaxley@cuesta.edu


I am committed to equity and inclusion in all my classes.  If you meet the prerequisites for this course, you belong in this class, and you can succeed.  It will take a lot of time, effort, and dedication, but you can do it if you want to work for it and I am here to help you!  In my class, I expect that all students will behave in a professional manner towards their peers, their instructor, and their community.

Do you like a challenge, practice good study habits, and have a positive attitude? If you can check those boxes, this class is for you!

However, this class is a heavy load, and constitutes a part time job, so be aware of your class/workload.  Most successful students report that they need to study about 8-10 hours outside of the 7 hours in class just for Chem 201B alone.  Having more than 30 hours of combined class-time and work may lead to increased stress and reduced success.

Health and Safety

Your health and safety (as well as mine) are important to me.  Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 and the flu are exceptionally effective  ways to maintain your health and that of the people around you. If you have questions about vaccine safety, I'd be happy to listen to your concerns.

If you're not feeling well or know that you have a transmissible disease, please stay home. We will arrange for you to make up any missed work.

Anyone who doesn’t follow health requirements and/or lab safety rules may be asked to leave the classroom in accordance with college policies.  This will help us all to be safe and healthy so that we can concentrate on chemistry!

Lab safety rules will be explained on the first day of lab. 


Necessary Computer Equipment/Skills. 

Since some course content will be available or submitted online, the following tech is needed:

  • Electronic device: computer or tablet with modern software/apps, preferably not a phone,  and internet access. Specific requirements are at   http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/faqs_technical.html
  • Computer skills required are downloading and printing documents, using your Cuesta email account, accessing your Canvas account, watching videos, and using an online HW system. Essential technology in general is at the Cuesta College technology site.
  • The course Canvas site will be available starting the weekend prior to the first day of class.


Attendance and Participation.

Students must activate their Canvas and online HW accounts to complete assignments that will be due in the 2nd week of class.

Contact:  Email (gbaxley@cuesta.edu) is the best way to contact me, but please send all content questions about HW, labs, or course material to Pronto. Questions are usually answered within 12 hours, usually much faster!

Office Hours:               online and TBA

Prerequisites:              Math 27 or intermediate algebra,   AND  Chem 210FL (grade of “C” or better) 

Required Supplies:     

textbooks and online HW:

  • Tro, "A Molecular Approach"
  • Aktiv Chem HW system Purchase through Canvas  ($35)   

Coursework Assistance: Help is available! I am here to help you learn and enjoy the course material.  If you are having trouble, please ask for assistance.  If you cannot attend student help hours, please use Pronto for questions.  I encourage relevant questions during lecture and lab periods. 

Free tutoring is available through the student success center.  If you need help or want an informal study group, this is a great resource to visit online. Drop in and ask a question, or stay and work with friends. See this link for the schedule of free chemistry tutoring.   https://www.cuesta.edu/student/resources/ssc/index.html     

Assistance, part 2:  Nationwide, 36% of college students face challenges in securing safe housing or affordable food. Cuesta College has programs that can help, including an on-campus food pantry (open daily) and a food bank distribution site (3rd Tuesday of the month). If you experience food or housing insecurity, please contact Jack DePuy, Basic Needs Coordinator, basicneeds@cuesta.edu or visit 5104A.

The Cuesta CaFE Center (room 3142) has food, toiletries, hygiene products, and clothing for students in need.

Cuesta College offers personalized, confidential mental health therapy services to support students for their academic success and personal development. Visit room 3150 or call (805) 546-3171 for appointments.

I might be able to help too, so if you are comfortable in doing so, please let me know if you need assistance.

More information and services can be found at https://cuesta.instructure.com/courses/12134/pages/resources

Free tutoring is available in the student success center. See this link for the schedule of free chemistry tutoring.   https://www.cuesta.edu/student/resources/ssc/index.html 

Withdrawal:  If you discontinue the course for any reason, you are responsible for making an official withdrawal. 


Canvas Quizzes: Chemistry is best learned by regularly practicing problems.  Short quizzes with problems very similar to HW problems are designed to motivate you to keep up with the reading and to complete the Canvas modules to a high level of understanding.  There are Canvas quizzes for each subject in Canvas modules.

It might be tempting to skip the module pages and just do the Canvas quizzes. You'll miss out on learning, fun videos, and mediocre teacher/dad jokes. Do the module work first please!

Aktiv Homework:  Assignments of required and suggested problems will be provided on the course website for each chapter and will be assigned via the Chem101 HW system (web or app).  . The required problems represent the bare minimum; you are strongly encouraged to complete worksheets and suggested problems for extra practice.  Practice until you always get them right.   

Exams: There will be three exams throughout the term (see schedule) and a comprehensive final exam. Exams will contain a variety of problem types like multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and free response. We will do exams in person.

Labs: Most lab experiments will be conducted on campus with peers during the scheduled lab time and one or two might be conducted online on your own time. 

Most on-campus labs may have a prelab assignment that needs to be completed before the lab period.   

Each lab experiment will require the submission of lab questions in Canvas.  

Late work:  I understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that don't fit into the categories of physical illnesses or official excused absences that may make it difficult to turn in an assignment on time. 

      1. Each assignment has an automatic 1 week extension with no late penalties.
      2. Don't allow more than 2 late assignments to pile up. Taking advantage of the policy is perilous.
      3. Read more about the policy.   

Missed lab:  To accommodate unavoidable absences, a student may be exempted from a lab for official Cuesta team or course events, for legally required absences (like jury duty), or illness. There may be an option for a make up lab. Please contact me as soon as possible if you wish to make up a lab.  Missing 3 or more labs will result in a non-passing grade.

If you must miss an exam, please contact me as soon as possible (prior to the exam, if possible).  I can only accommodate make up exams can for certain circumstances and may administer them during finals week.

Grading scheme and Point distribution

Assessment type:

Approximate % weighting


Percent in class

Letter Grades

Canvas Assignments





Aktiv HW





Midterm Exams





Lab assignments





Final exam



Below 65%


Plus/Minus grades:   Cuesta College allows for +/- grading, which will be used in borderline cases, usually based on the final exam score (state law does not allow grades of “C-” at CA Community Colleges). Plus/minus grades will earned for totals of approximately 78-82% and 88-92%.

Classroom Etiquette: Please be considerate of your other classmates. Some students are easily distracted, so I ask that you arrive on time, ready to learn, and do not depart early.  Students who disrupt the class may be asked to leave.  Since a portion of the class will consist of group problem solving, it is important to be kind, patient, and supportive of your classmates.  I will try to model appropriate behavior.  Please don’t talk or chat during lecture time.  If you have questions, please ask!  Please turn off your phone while in class and avoid the temptation to text during class.  Please see me before recording any audio or video during class. 

Academic Integrity:  Cheating on an assignment is usually a sign of desperation which can be avoided with preparation.  Academic dishonesty in any form, including copying (or allowing copying) of work, falsifying lab data, or unauthorized aids on exams, is not allowed.  Students who violate the academic honesty policy may receive a “0” for the assignment (not eligible for the low score drop) and an equivalent assignment, or an F for the course.  Be sure to give proper citations when quoting or paraphrasing sources of information.  See the Cuesta College schedule for official student conduct policies.

          It is allowed and expected that students will work together on lab reports and other assignments.  It is also expected that each student will do their own work and write their answers in their own words.  A good way to work together is to talk about a question, discuss an answer, and then each person says, calculates, or writes an answer in their own words.  An unacceptable way to work together is for one person to say, calculate, or write an answer, and then for another person to write the same answer.  For calculation problems, always enter the values in your calculator on your own, don’t write the result of another student’s calculation.

Submitting questions to and copying answers from sites such as Yahoo Answers, Chegg, or Reddit for lab reports, quizzes, exams, homework, or other work is not allowed. If you aren't sure how to answer a question, ask for help from your instructor, tutor, or classmate, but do not copy someone else's answer, and do not resort to asking an internet "expert" to solve the problem for you.

There are many chemistry videos on YouTube with incorrect information. Instructor-approved YouTube videos are available in Canvas for many topics, so watch these instead of finding your own. If a video is unavailable for a particular topic, let me know. I'll find a good video for you. There's a lot of junk out there and it's better for me to sort through it so you can use your time more productively.

Each student is required to collect data as described in the directions for the lab.  Copying data from another student is not allowed, unless specified in the lab instructions for that lab experiment, and each student should perform their own calculations.

Special Note: Some students may face learning disabilities or challenges that affect their academic performance.  If you have any special concerns or disabilities that could affect your learning, please contact DSPS at 546–3148 as soon as possible.  DSPS requests that testing accommodation forms be submitted at least 7 days prior to a test or quiz.  Exams and quizzes taken with accommodations must be taken with DSPS and must start or end during a regular class period.  Please schedule your classes and other obligations such that accommodated exams and quizzes can occur concurrently with the class.  

Regular and Effective Instructor Contact will be met through the weekly class meetings, threaded discussion forums; announcements to students, and student help hours.

Technical Issues?  For issues related to accessing Cuesta's Canvas Site email: support@my.cuesta.edu. Online HW technical issues are best resolved by clicking the appropriate links in the HW system. 

Attendance/Drop/Withdraw Policy. Students will be dropped if their Canvas and online HW accounts are not activated or not used for any period longer than 14 consecutive days. Students cannot earn a C or higher if 3 or more labs are missed. If you decide to withdraw, you must do so according to Cuesta’s drop policy.  http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/acad_policies/dropcourse.htmlLinks to an external site.

Course Description:  This is the 2nd semester of a one-year course in chemistry for science majors.  In this class, you will gain a technical perspective for current issues, develop problem solving skills, and learn about how the behavior of stuff you see can be explained with knowledge of the world of atoms.  Real-world examples and hand-on learning will be emphasized.  

Student learning outcomes:  Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:

  1. Evaluate and interpret numerical and chemical scientific information, including the determination of a rate law or equilibrium constant based on experimental data.
  2. Solve mathematical problems in chemistry, including equilibrium calculations, kinetics, electrochemistry, and energetics.
  3. Communicate chemical concepts through the use of molecular formulas, structural formulas, and names of compounds.
  4. Perform laboratory experiments based on qualitative, gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental analysis techniques and effectively utilize the appropriate experimental apparatus and technology.


Class Schedule

see Canvas for schedule (Canvas course pages will be available the Friday before the semester)

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