ConferZoom Resources

ConferZoom allows California Community College educators to use the Zoom video conferencing software with their students for free! ConferZoom is a service for the administrators, staff and faculty of the California Community colleges system, funded by a grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

Use ConferZoom to host a virtual class or meeting, present a lecture, facilitate a study group, or hold
office hours with your students. It’s easy to get started!
  1. Sign up for and use the correct Zoom product: ConferZoom Links to an external site.. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has funded free Zoom accounts foall CCC faculty and staff; make sure you’re using the CCC -sponsored version.
  2. The Confer Zoom Member and Host Guide Links to an external site. can walk you through start - up and meeting launch. View Webinar archive Links to an external site. for a start - to - finish overview.  Zoom also has One Minute Video Introductions Links to an external site. on various topics, and a la carte web info on specific Zoom features Links to an external site. is also available.
  3. Share the ConferZoom Download Participants Guide with your students.
  4. Technical assistance is available Monday - Friday 8AM - 4PM at (760) 744-1150 ext. 1537 or 1554, or at
Our accounts are associated with CCCConfer, so if you still have a basic account you need to email them directly or call them to get it transferred over. 
Confer Tech Support
1-760-744-1150 ext. 1537, 1543
Email -

Take a look at the zoom experience; and feel free to share this video with your students so they know what to expect: