Importing / Copy Course Content

Create or Copy your course content: At least two weeks prior to the semester starting, ensure that your course has been designed or your content has been transferred to your course shell for the current semester. Ensure that your course start date has been set.

Copy (import) Canvas Content into other Canvas Courses: Instead of creating the same content in every class, create it once and import it into the additional sections you teach. This is also helpful if you want to re-purpose a course with similar design and layout.

Once your content is in your course shell:

  • Set all due dates for assignments and assessments and make sure your course ready for students to enter on the course start date.
  • Publish your course on the course start date (or before if you want students to see the course on their dashboard).
  • Review this Download check list for important things to consider when coping your course.

Copying Content

Once your course(s) have been created in Canvas the next step is to copy content over from your previous semester course (or Sandbox course).

Unless you are starting your course from scratch, there are two options, a full course copy or selecting specific content from a course to copy over. The following tabs provide information about each and directions.

Faculty Resources does not copy course content for Instructors unless the content is being copied from one Instructor to a different Instructor.


After reviewing the information from each tab above click on the Next button to continue with the resources!