Pronto Social Engagement Tool

Pronto Social Engagement Tool

Pronto is a great way tool for communication in your classes, both directly through direct (one-one) messages and whole class streams. You can use it to send quick reminders, live stream video announcements that you be immediately view on your phone or desktop.  

Pronto is simply way to improve communication and create community in your courses. This real-time student-to-student, instructor-to-student app allows you to create a community feel by providing technology that connects your students to you and most importantly to each other.  Download Download the Step by Step Instructions for Teachers Guide

Check out this video Links to an external site. of one of Merced College's professors demonstrating the use of Pronto in his courses [looks better full screen].  The professor was an early adopter who brought Pronto to the campus. 

Pronto is automatically enabled for all teaching courses once you publish the course. If you wish to disable Pronto or enable for an non academic course (such as student services) please use the following steps: 

  • Please copy and paste the following link into your browser: (do not click on it directly)
  • Then click to log in with Canvas, authorize your account, then scroll through the list of courses, click on the course your wish to disable, then click the red disable button.

Only Canvas courses that match the following criteria will be shown in the list:

  • The account or sub-account the course is in must be Pronto-enabled. 
  • You must be a teacher in at least one section of the course.
  • The course must be published (you will have to wait until the term starts to turn it on)
  • The course must not be concluded.
  • There must be at least one student enrolled in at least one section of the course.

Check out the brief demo:


Need Help?

Canvas Desktop with Pronto visible

For a short video training Links to an external site. of Pronto, and a quick start guide Links to an external site.

Should you need any assistance, please reach out to or 

Click next to learn more about the student experience and sample instructions to share with your students!