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Becoming DE Certified

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The following options will provide multiple levels of Distance Education Certification from basic to advanced. They are listed in order of most basic to more advanced. The most basic level will be a short-term certification that can be awarded for emergency teaching and will be valid for one year or until the end of required online teaching due to the emergency, and the most advanced level will provide a badge for the CVC/OEI course exchange. Faculty may start with the basic level and advance to additional levels when interested. 

AP 4105 Links to an external site. has defined the minimum qualifications for teaching in the distance education modality, and there are four ways in which a faculty member may be considered eligible to teach Distance Education. The following options meet AP 4105 #3 or #4. If a faculty feels they meet AP 4105 qualifications #1 or #2 (experience or education) they are encouraged to submit a request for equivalency to the Distance Education Standard Subcommittee.  

Prerequisite for Introductory Courses: When a faculty member requests to participate in their first certificate option or request equivalency, they will be enrolled in a Canvas self-paced module. After reading the content, faculty will take the Online Education Legal Requirements Quiz and must earn a score of 100% . The quiz will be administered via Canvas and can be retaken an unlimited number of times. Once faculty have earned a score of 100% on the Online Education Legal Requirements Quiz, they will be able to progress through the certificate options.

Technology Skills: Technology is rapidly changing and a faculty member with limited technology skills or are unsure where to start are encouraged to seek additional private tutoring with our campus instructional designer, technology trainer, or experienced faculty in your division. A list has been compiled with faculty available and interested in assisting you.

List of the Five Certificate Options to align to AP4105 as approved by ASC 5/22/2020 and revised 9/25/2020:

1. Synchronous Lecture Emergency Certificate (SLEC): 4-hour Flex Workshop.

2. Distance Lecture Emergency Certificate (DLEC):  2-week course. 20 hours total.

3. Teaching Online Certificate (TOC): 6-week course. 60 hours total. 

4. Self-paced Teaching Online Certificate (SPTOC): Submission of DE course for review.

5. Capstone -- OEI Badge: Advanced mentoring. aprox 40 hours investment.

While you are waiting for your session to start, you may want to get a jump start and self-enroll in the self-paced Introduction to Canvas Course. This will prepare you for the start of the next term and you will then be able to move through the Certification Course faster. 

Participants in all facilitated certificate options will explore guiding principle of course delivery that ensures an equitable and inclusive online learning environment to support the success of diverse students online.

To register or for more information: Links to an external site. 

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