Welcome LIBT 214

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LIBT 214
Internship in Library information Technology

This course is offered every spring semester, with a required application between October 1-31 in the fall preceding the course. It includes site work and distance education elements.

Next course offering: CRN 32941, Spring 2025
Apply October 1-October 31, 2024


LIBT 214 is the capstone course for students completing coursework in the Library/Information Technology curriculum track, and rounds out the core curriculum for this program by offering practical, on-site work experience for students at the end of their coursework. This course gives students the opportunity to apply classroom-acquired skills and faculty the opportunity to assess Student Learning Outcomes. The course consists of a 16-week online course with required readings and graded assignments combined with a professional-level 81 hour on-site internship work experience.

If you are interested in the internship, please fill out the application form: 


After completing this course, students will have met these Course Student Learning Outcomes:
• Demonstrated interpersonal skills appropriate to the workplace, including communicating well with peers and supervisors, and working as a member of a team.
• Developed a summary of accomplishments and/or skills acquired during the internship.
• Prepared a cover letter and a current resume or work portfolio.
In addition, as students complete the Library/Information Technology program, they will have achieved these Program Student Learning Outcomes:
• Developed and improved skills in the areas of library /information technology.
• Developed a greater understanding of library/information technology with an emphasis on career development, continuing education, or personal growth.
Along with these formal outcomes, students may also extend their professional networks, consider career paths they have been exposed to through internship work, and use this information to modify or refine their career goals.

How do I apply for the LIBT 214 class?

The process is more complex than enrolling in a regular LIBT course.
• First, candidate students must submit a completed application form (see below) to the Library Department between Oct. 1 - Oct 31 for the following Spring course.
• Applications will be reviewed and processed in the order received. A student’s course history, grade history and overall readiness for a successful internship will be reviewed by the department. In addition, there is a limit to the class size and priority will be given to students who are further along in their coursework.
• If approved, the student will work with the instructor to arrange an appropriate internship site. In San Luis Obispo county, the site will be assigned by the instructor. Outside San Luis Obispo County, the student will be responsible for locating and getting liability agreement signed.
• In addition, most internship sites will want to first interview the student in person or zoom before they agree to host the intern.

How do I register for the course?

This is a Restricted Status course. Once you have submitted your application and it has been approved, and after your internship site has been approved, the instructor will give you a registration code.

Who may enroll in the LIBT 214 class?

Candidate interns must have successfully completed (or be concurrently enrolled) in a minimum of 10 units of core Library/Information Technology courses with a “C” grade or better during the past two years. There is a limit to the class size, and priority will be given to students who have successfully completed more core coursework.

Prerequisites for LIBT 214 – Internship Library Information Technology

Eligibility for the internship portion of the Library Information Technology Program (LIBT 214), requires students to complete, with a grade of “C” or better, a minimum of 10.0 credits of Core LIBT courses by the end of the Fall semester, prior to the Spring internship.



LIBT 201 (previously LIBT 101)


LIBT 204 (previously LIBT 104)


LIBT 205 (previously LIBT 105)


LIBT 208 (previously LIBT 108)


LIBT 209 (previously LIBT 109)


LIBT 213 (previously LIBT 113)


LIBT 215 (previously LIBT 115)


LIBT 217 (previously LIBT 117)


Can I count my hours at my current place of work for the internship?

In most cases, no. The idea of the internship is to have students work in a new and different environment in order to be exposed to fresh ideas, workplace policies and office culture. This is why most Library/Information Technology students who already work in a library must complete their field hours in a different library, within a different library agency. Working in an unpaid status at your current place of employment can subject the employer to sanctions from the Department of Labor and to union grievances. Working in a different environment will allow you to widen your professional contacts and (if you perform well) will provide you with an additional professional reference should you need one in the future. That being said, on rare occasions, interns can be approved by the work site and instructor to complete a special project for the field hours portion of their internship. Please contact the instructor to see if you would qualify for this option.

My schedule is very busy; how can I fit in the 5 weekly field hours (a total of 81 hours) required?

The internship course lasts 16 weeks (about 4 months); many students have found that they are able to re- arrange their normal work schedule with their regular employer temporarily in order to complete the internship requirements. Keep in mind that many libraries and businesses that host student interns will only have staff available to mentor and work with interns weekdays, during daytime hours.

Can I work at home and count the hours toward my internship?

No, the idea of the internship is to have students work directly under the supervision and mentoring of a professional and to interact with library or business staff to gain exposure to that organization and their workplace culture. [NOTE: During the COVID restrictions, online internships will be considered, but must still be done under the supervision of a Librarian.]

When will the internship start?

The internship site must be cleared with the instructor and the required Cuesta College District contract must be completed by the host library or business by the first week of December preceding the internship. Notice that this is in advance of the actual semester that the course is offered. Students must complete an online internship orientation available at the beginning of the semester through Canvas before beginning field hours. Once the orientation assignment has been completed, on-site hours as arranged by the intern with their site can begin.

How many units is it?

Once you have been approved for registration in LIBT 214, you must enroll in this class through myCuesta and receive 2 units of college credit for successful completion of the course. This is an unpaid internship.

How many hours of on-site work are required?

81 hours of supervised field work are required. This is 5+ hours per week for the 16-week semester. The exact schedule for the semester is to be arranged by the site and the intern. All field hours must be completed and time cards turned in to the instructor by the first week of May. In addition to the on-site hours, there is an accompanying course site with class activities and required assignments.

Is there an online course component? How many times a week do I need to log in?

Yes. As well as the work hours, LIBT 214 includes a 16-week online course with required readings and graded assignments. You will need a computer with reliable Internet access that is accessible to you at least three times a week to access the web-based course site and read email from the instructor and classmates.

How do I know what my internship site will be?

Students will need to complete an application form and submit it to the department by October 31. Applications are reviewed by Cuesta faculty to make sure the minimum requirements have been met. Then, for those qualifying students, applications will be screened and internship placements will be made by Cuesta faculty. In San Luis Obispo County, students will be placed at an available library, archive, business or agency. Outside the county, the students will find their own library or media canter to intern with a MLIS level librarian to act a supervisor. Please note, that interns need to be very flexible about their placements. Not every library or workplace can or is able to host Cuesta interns each year. Interns must be prepared to travel to a neighboring city, just as with an actual job site.

What internship sites may participate?

Libraries, archives, businesses, or agencies near San Luis Obispo County or the Santa Maria Valley that have been approved by the instructor are eligible to host Cuesta interns for LIBT 214. All approved sites must complete a formal liability contract with our College District, which is kept on file at Cuesta. In addition, some sites may require additional paperwork, fingerprinting, COVID or tuberculosis testing. This will vary from site to site.

For approved Library/Information Technology students outside the local area, the instructor will work with you as you find a site during the month of November regarding a placement in your geographical area. Host organizations must have a supervisor on site who would qualify to be an adjunct faculty member at Cuesta College. In the case of libraries this would be a librarian holding an MLS degree. Please note, some sites will not have staffing to host an intern in a given year. Each host site must be approved by the instructor, Cuesta Liability Contract signed and all rules and regulations of the work site adhered to (including testing masking and any other COVID regulations).

When do students and sites receive their assignments?

Students and participating sites will be notified of their respective assignments by the first week of January.

Who will be the coordinator?

Carina Love, Library/Information Technology instructor, will coordinate the internship, will manage the course web site and assignments, and will conduct assessment interviews with each intern and their supervisor. These interviews may take the form of on-site visits, telephone calls, or e-mail correspondence.

Where do I get an application form?

See the link posted at the top of this page, due October 31. For questions, email the instructor, clove@cuesta.edu.

Recommended Textbook is Libraries in the Information Age: An Introduction and Career Exploration, 3rd edition,  by Denise K. Fourie and Nancy Loe.

Course Website. This course will be taught on the Canvas Web platform (http://cuesta.instructure.com/). The course website will be accessible on the first day of the semester, login is your myCuesta id and password. You will use the website to read lectures, link to outside readings, take quizzes, submit assignments, participate in online discussions. You can use Canvas anywhere you have an Internet connection and a current browser.

Syllabus. The requirements for the class are outlined in the Syllabus. Once you are in the class, make sure to print it out and refer to it for important dates and requirements.

Contact With Instructor. Cuesta or I may send email to your  myCuesta Gmail account  in case of technical problems with Canvas. Access your account at http://my.cuesta.edu , student tab, gMail module. The email can be forwarded to a personal account under settings/forwarding.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail instructor at  clove@cuesta.edu.

Students with Verified Disabilities If you are a student with a verified disability, please notify me of your needs for accommodation as soon as possible. Authorized accommodations and alternative media will be provided as appropriate.

Basic computer experience. This course assumes a basic comfort level with computers and the Internet, and regular access to the Internet. More information about taking Distance Education courses and technology requirements are in the DE FAQLinks to an external site..

Technical Support: Questions about Canvas can be sent to support@my.cuesta.edu during business hours.


Carina Love


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