Frequently Asked Questions
If you find a discrepancy or something that doesn't seem right, please contact your instructor to get a clarification and don't assume you know what was meant.
What is Canvas used for?
You will find the required links for the course, grades, homework, quizzes, and a discussion forum for you to post and respond to questions. Your instructor will use this as the main vehicle to post messages to the class. You should get in the habit of checking it every day.
How do I log into Canvas?
How does the online class work?
Basically much like a real class except you do not come to class for lectures or to turn in your assignments. Lectures are prerecorded and can be viewed online. There are weekly homework assignments and they are uploaded using Cuesta's Canvas site. Weekly online quizzes are multiple choice and your work is not required to be uploaded or turned in. Tests will be taken at Cuesta (unless proctored) with the other students in the class OR may be given online via Zoom. Your instructor will let you know what the options are. Please see the below for more detailed information.
Is there an orientation?
Check out the Welcome Letter here in my ePortfolio.
On my class schedule it says TBA, what is that?
TBA stands for To Be Announced. Since this is an online class we meet only for exams and those dates listed on the syllabus.
Who should take this class in an online format?
Only those who are extremely computer literate, responsible, and don’t procrastinate, otherwise this class is a sure formula for disaster!
How well do students do in the online class as compared to the NON-online class?
For those that actually complete the course (in other words ….try) the grades are just as good, if not better. But there is a higher drop out rate since some students tend to procrastinate and can’t catch up. So I highly suggest that you keep up with the course as outlined on the syllabus.
How much easier is the online class compared to a traditional class?
As far as homework, quizzes, and exams are concerned they are exactly the same. The only difference is that you will be learning outside of the classroom. Because you will be learning with internet technology there is that additional frustration of getting it to work and disciplining yourself to not get behind. You also won’t have immediate access to your instructor.
Where are the online video lessons?
They can be found on Canvas.
If the website is down just before a test, can I get an extension?
No. You should always assume that technology won’t be there when you need it. Please plan so that you aren’t relying on technology, especially if you are doing all of your studying at the last moment.
Do I need to buy the textbook?
No but you will be paying an access fee for the videos, homework, and quizzes that were created by Class4me/YourOtherTeacher.
Where can I get the solutions to the homework?
Homework solutions are not posted for E250 and E252. Please feel free to discuss and upload any of your work to the discussion forum for help. Solutions for ENGR226 may be found on Canvas, but that may also depend on who is teaching it.
Do I need to send in the homework?
That depends on the course and the instructor and will be stated on the syllabus and/or Canvas, in most cases, you will be turning homework in. Instructions for submitting them can be found on Canvas.
Are the tests open notes and book?
Tests are closed book and closed notes with the exception of ENGR226. A formula sheet will be provided for ENGR250, 251 and 252.
What do I need to bring to the test?
With the exception of ENGR226, bring a non-programmable calculator and pencil. For all classes you will need to bring a photo ID.
Do you have any hints as to what I should study for the test?
I suggest that you understand all that was discussed in the video lessons online, homework, quizzes, and sample tests. I also highly suggest that you work other problems that weren't assigned to make sure that you really do understand the material.
Can I get my quiz/test returned to me?
Tests will be returned to you at our next meeting unless it is an online class, in that case the scores will be shown in the comments on Canvas.
How can I find out what I got on the test, homework, or quiz?
Grades will be posted on the Canvas website.
What if I can’t make it to a test?
You may want to consider not taking the online class and take a section that fits your schedule better. There are no make-ups for quizzes as I will drop some automatically. Under rare circumstances I may give makeup exams.
Where and when do we meet for the exams?
The location and time will be listed on the Welcome Letter and syllabus. Exams will require you to come to Cuesta, San Luis Obispo unless stated otherwise. Quizzes can be done remotely at your home.
I have a disability, how do I arrange extra Test time?
Contact the instructor about this. Cuesta typically requires all documents to be completed several weeks in advance. Documents that support your claim to DSPS services must be reviewed and approved by Cuesta's DSPS personnel ( to an external site.).
Where are the quizzes?
Quizzes can be found be on the Canvas site.
Is there a limit on file attachment size?
Yes, attachments should be less than 2MB. Homework does require that you convert them to pdf files before you upload them.
What resources can I use on the quizzes?
Online quizzes should be completed with the general rules one would follow as if you are taking it in the classroom. You are to work on your own without any other resource other than your textbook, unless otherwise instructed.
Can I start the class before the semester starts?
In most cases yes but you won't be able to turn anything in until the official start of the class. You can watch videos and download and start on the homework.
Keep in mind that there may be some slight changes in the course as we may be tweaking it before the class officially starts.
How do I get extra help with the course?
There are several ways:
1) Use the free tutorial services in rm 3100.
2) Post a question on Canvas's discussion forum.
3) Contact the instructor for the recommendation of a private tutor.
4) View the study group link on Canvas.
5) Attend office hours.
What is the policy on student misconduct?
If you are caught cheating or assisting others in any fashion you will receive an F in the course and a Student Misconduct Report will be filed and placed in your school records. Students need to protect their work from getting into the hands of others. Should this happen it will be assumed that you allowed it to happen and you are just as guilty as the person who copied your work.
How do I go about dropping the class?
You can go to https://my.cuesta.eduLinks to an external site. and do it there. Your instructor will not normally drop students.
How do I contact the instructor?
If it is NOT a personal question but a technical one then post questions to the Discussion Forum, but if it is private/personal or only pertains to you then please contact the instructor directly. Please do allow 2 business days for a reply. It is best to send the message within Canvas and not via the normal college email system. It is common for emails sent via the college email system to be lost or not delivered. The email system within Canvas seems to be very reliable, so please get in the habit of using Canvas’s email. There are instructions on Canvas on how to send a message.
Anything special I should know when sending emails to the instructor?
It is best to message the instructor via Canvas, but if you are sending the email not through Canvas then make sure the subject line on the email is like this in order to separate it from the junk email:
ENGRxxx- subject
How often do instructors check their email?
Typically every day during regular business hours (summer is M-Th). If you don’t hear back within 2 business days then please resend it as email sometimes gets filtered as spam and we may not see it. Try sending it from a different email account. Of course please use the Canvas message system if you can. If you still don’t hear anything then please call the secretary at (805) 546-3264 and explain to her that you need to get a hold of your instructor.
Special Instructions for ENGR226:
Where can I purchase the AutoCAD software?
You can download the student version from Autodesk. The student version is almost identical to the professional version.
Can I download AutoCAD for free?
You can join the Autodesk Student Community and download AutoCAD. With this free student version will allow you access for 13 months. You will find a link and instructions on Canvas.
What is the difference between the student version and the professional version?
The only difference is that when you print a drawing it will place text around the border saying that the drawing was created with the student version.
Can I use AutoCAD’s “Architectural Desktop” instead of “AutoCAD”?
It is my understanding that Desktop includes all of the features of “AutoCAD” and is not the best solution since when you take the tests it will be using AutoCAD not Architectural Desktop.
Can I use another version of AutoCAD than the one that is used in the class?
In general I have to say NO because there will be some differences between every version. You are always welcome to try and see the differences, but I would highly suggest that you come to the open lab at Cuesta and test out the version here before you come take a quiz or test.
Can I run AutoCAD on a MAC?
AutoCAD rdoes have a MAC version, although I have had many comments that is it very buggy and different than the Windows version. We will be using the Windows version for taking exams so please familiarize yourself with it.
Is there a place where I can practice AutoCAD on the Cuesta campus?
Yes, there are two places on the SLO campus. The first is the open lab in 3200 (library, 2nd floor) on the SLO campus. Another place is in the classroom itself, rm 3406. If the room is open and a class is going on, ask the instructor if it is ok to use the computers, 99% of the time it should be fine. AutoCAD is also available on the North Campus in the library.