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Dr. Greg Baxley

Contact   gbaxley@cuesta.edu   805.546.3100 x2669


I have been teaching chemistry at Cuesta College since 2004. Teaching chemistry is challenging but very rewarding. Some days at work I get to light stuff on fire and students cheer, which is pretty neat. For students, I try to help you learn to a high level and encourage the growth of problem solving and critical thinking skills. I hope to engage all students with course materials that are meaningful to their lives outside of the classroom. I believe that it is possible to maintain high standards while being kind to students and understanding of their diverse backgrounds and challenges. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy hiking, swimming, reading, racquetball, and doing home improvements.

I primarily teach general chemistry (Chem 201A and Chem 201B), along with two support courses.

Chem 201AX and 201BX go along with 201A or 201B to get students extra practice in problem solving. Chem 201P helps students who meet prerequisites for chem 201A get ready to take that class.

I also teach Introduction to Environmental Studies.

You can email me at gbaxley@cuesta.edu
or call my office at 805.546.3100 x2669

Links to class information:
Chem 201P https://cuesta.instructure.com/eportfolios/92/Home/Chem_201P_info
ENVS 200 https://cuesta.instructure.com/eportfolios/92/Home/ENVS_200
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